I am computing the Lyapunov exponents in 2D for the system below, by doing a for loop over two parameters (ωA, A) and it takes a really long time.
using Parameters, ChaosTools, DifferentialEquations, Distributed, SharedArrays
function System!(du, u, p, t = 0)
@unpack ω, ω_A, A = p
x, y = u
s = x^2 + y^2
du[1] = x + ω * y - s * x - A * sin(ω_A * t)
du[2] = -ω * x + y - s * y
@with_kw mutable struct Params
ω::Real = 2pi
ω_A::Real = 2pi
A :: Real = 10
I am using the Distributed
and SharedArrays
packages for parallel computation. However, I am not sure if it is running in parallel since computing one exponent takes only a couple of minutes. How can I speed up the code below?
tmax = 10000
t_trans = 1000
ω_As = par.ω .* range(0.01, 5, 100)
As = range(0.01, 15, 100)
par = Params()
Λ = SharedArray{Float64, 2}(length(As), length(ω_As))
@sync @distributed for i in eachindex(As)
par.A = As[i]
for j in eachindex(ω_As)
ω_A = ω_As[j]
par.ω_A = ω_A
ds = CoupledODEs(System!, [0., 1.], par)
λs = lyapunovspectrum(ds, tmax; Ttr = t_trans, Δt = 1)
λs_nonzero = filter(x -> abs.(x) > 1e-8, λs)
Λ[i,j] = maximum(λs_nonzero)