Packages for Quadtrees in Julia?

I’m trying to port some the d3 graph interaction packages to Julia. (see the nascent GitHub - dgleich/GraphPlayground.jl: Really playing with graphs in Julia via an interactive Makie window. repo …)

The next step in the implementation would be to use implement a more efficient repulsion computation using a quad tree approximation.

I was hoping to find a robust package for this in Julia. What I’ve found so far:

  • ClusterTrees → Seems about right, but will be a pain to figure out how to use it as I can’t find any good docs.

  • RegionTrees → More low level as far as managing the trees themselves, without the facilities to insert and manage points.

  • Quadtrees → 0.5 seconds for 100k points; seems like it’d be faster just to implement something myself.

  • OctTrees → 0.04 seconds for 100k points; okay, this is close, but this package isn’t registered and it seems in need of clean up.

Are there others that might be useful? Is there any code buried in other packages that does something similar?

As an example of the functions I’d need…

pts = rand(Point2f, 100000)

qt = Quadtree(pts; leafdata=Float64, nodedata=@NamedTuple{weight::Float64, strength::Float64}) # would be nice to support ND, but not currently needed)
# ideally, would be nice is this worked in ~30 millisec

# Visit this in leaf->root order (post order)
bottomup(f, qt)
# Visit this in root -> leaf order (pre order) with cutoff 
topdown(f, qt) 

I realize this can be implemented using some of the previously mentioned packages, just wanted to make sure I’m not missing any features that would avoid re-implementing what seems like yet another quad tree in Julia package.

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Could this be relevant?


Oh – that’s a great idea. Despite using NearestNeighbors all the time, I forgot about their general trees in there and how they might work.

The construction time is fast enough (~18 milliseconds for 100k points). So the traversal and actual computation time shouldn’t be too bad.

Surprisingly, I only found one reference to doing Barnes-Hut approximation with general trees. Everyone else seems to discuss quadtrees exclusively. But BallTrees are easy to adapt as they have a hypersphere that contains all the points that would easily fit into the Barnes-Hut approximation. KDTrees should also work (just using the maximum of the dimensions…)

I guess the exposed API in NearestNeighbors is not enough for what you want to do so if you have some issues feel free to ping me.

NearestNeighbors.jl/examples/balltree_illustration.ipynb at master · KristofferC/NearestNeighbors.jl · GitHub might be of some use. My guess is you want to use KDTrees though, but the internals are quite closely related to each other.

Thanks – That example was useful :slight_smile:

I was able to figure out how to do things based on the knn / inrange search functions. Here’s my current code to implement the d3-force Barnes-Hut repulsive force computation based on the KDTree.

Sorry, it’s super messy at the moment, but basically, the algorithm words in two phases. in the first phase, we compute the centers of each non-leaf node. (And associated weights). Then in the next phase, we check if the current rect/hyperrect from the KDtree is ‘far enough away’ (diam^2 < theta*centerdist). If so, we use the approximation. If not, we recurse to each subtree.

If we get to a leaf, then we just directly compute the approximation.

At the moment, there must be a few things that are causing the allocator to get involved, so the timing isn’t great. (1 second for 100k points…) I see no reason why this shouldn’t get down to a few milliseconds… since we can compute the original one in a few ms… but that’s an optimization step.

At the moment, I can make headway with what I need. But if you want to think about an API for walking these trees, I can try and write some functions as I clean this mess up :wink:

using NearestNeighbors
using StableRNGs
using GeometryBasics
using StaticArrays
using LinearAlgebra

pts = rand(StableRNG(1), Point2f, 10000)
T = KDTree(pts; leafsize = 10)

function build_centers(T::KDTree, pts)
  n = length(T.nodes) 
  centers = Vector{Point2f}(undef, n)
  weights = Vector{Float32}(undef, n)
  # we need to do a post-order traversal
  function walk(T, n, idx)
    center = 0.0 .* first(pts)
    weight = zero(eltype(weights))
    if NearestNeighbors.isleaf(n, idx)
      idxmap = T.indices
      treepts = 
      npts = 0 
      for ptsidx in NearestNeighbors.get_leaf_range(T.tree_data, idx)
        npts += 1
        Tidx = T.reordered ? ptsidx : idxmap[ptsidx]
        center = center .+ treepts[Tidx]
        weight += (-30) # need to make it the actual weight 
      center = center ./ npts
      return (center, weight)
      left, right = NearestNeighbors.getleft(idx), NearestNeighbors.getright(idx)
      lcenter, lweight = walk(T, n, left)
      rcenter, rweight = walk(T, n, right)
      centers[idx] = (abs(lweight) .* lcenter .+ abs(rweight) .* rcenter) ./ (abs(lweight) .+ abs(rweight))
      weights[idx] = lweight + rweight
      return (centers[idx], weights[idx])
  walk(T, n, 1)
  return centers, weights 
centers, weights = build_centers(T, pts)

## Visualize the centers to check...
function plot_rects!(ax, T; level=2, index=1, hyper_rec=T.hyper_rec, expand=0.1)
  if NearestNeighbors.isleaf(length(T.nodes), index)
    #line = lines!(ax, Rect2(hyper_rec.mins, hyper_rec.maxes - hyper_rec.mins), color=Cycled(rand(1:16))) 
    line = lines!(ax, Rect2(hyper_rec.mins, hyper_rec.maxes - hyper_rec.mins)) 
    tree = T 
    for z in NearestNeighbors.get_leaf_range(tree.tree_data, index)
      idx = tree.reordered ? z : tree.indices[z]
      #idx = tree.indices[z]
      #@show tree.reordered
      #scatter!(ax, [pts[idx]], color=line.color)
      scatter!(ax, [[idx]], color=line.color)
  elseif level == 0 
    line = lines!(ax, Rect2(hyper_rec.mins, hyper_rec.maxes - hyper_rec.mins)) 
    scatter!(ax, [centers[index]], color=line.color, marker=:circle, markersize=15)
    node = T.nodes[index]

    split_val = node.split_val
    split_dim = node.split_dim

    right = NearestNeighbors.getright(index)
    left = NearestNeighbors.getleft(index)

    hyper_rec_right = NearestNeighbors.HyperRectangle(@inbounds(setindex(hyper_rec.mins, split_val, split_dim)), hyper_rec.maxes)
    hyper_rec_left = NearestNeighbors.HyperRectangle(hyper_rec.mins, @inbounds setindex(hyper_rec.maxes, split_val, split_dim))
    plot_rects!(ax, T; level=level-1, index=left, hyper_rec=hyper_rec_left, expand=expand-0.02)
    plot_rects!(ax, T; level=level-1, index=right, hyper_rec=hyper_rec_right, expand=expand-0.02)
f = scatter(pts, marker='O', markersize=15, color=:black)
plot_rects!(f.axis, T; level=2)

vel = similar(pts)
function applyforces(T::KDTree, pts, vel, centers, weights; 
    theta2=0.81, strength=-30.0, 
    min_distance2 = 1.0,
    max_distance2 = Inf,

  function _compute_force(pt1, pt2, strength)
    d = pt2 .- pt1
    d2 = dot(d, d)
    if d2 < max_distance2
      #d = jiggle(d, rng)
      d2 = dot(d, d)
      if d2 < min_distance2
        d2 = sqrt(min_distance2*d2)

      w = strength*alpha / d2
      return d .* w 
      return 0.0 .* pt1 

  function _computeforce(target, treeindex, targetpt, T, rect)
    f = 0.0 .* targetpt
    if NearestNeighbors.isleaf(length(T.nodes), treeindex)
      idxmap = T.indices
      treepts = 
      for Tidx in NearestNeighbors.get_leaf_range(T.tree_data, treeindex)    
        ptsidx = idxmap[Tidx]
        Tidx = T.reordered ? Tidx : ptsidx
        if ptsidx != target 
          pt = treepts[Tidx]
          f = f .+ _compute_force(targetpt, pt, strength)
      node = T.nodes[treeindex]
      split_val = node.split_val
      split_dim = node.split_dim

      center = centers[treeindex]
      w = weights[treeindex]

      d = center .- targetpt
      d2 = dot(d,d)

      diam = maximum(rect.maxes .- rect.mins)
      if (diam*diam / theta2) < d2 
        # apply the approximation
        if d2 < min_distance2
          d2 = sqrt(min_distance2*d2)
        f = f .+ (d .* (w * alpha / d2))
        # and then don't recurse... 
        # otherwise, recurse... 
        left, right = NearestNeighbors.getleft(treeindex), NearestNeighbors.getright(treeindex)

        rect_right = NearestNeighbors.HyperRectangle(@inbounds(setindex(rect.mins, split_val, split_dim)), rect.maxes)
        rect_left = NearestNeighbors.HyperRectangle(rect.mins, @inbounds setindex(rect.maxes, split_val, split_dim))

        f = f .+ _computeforce(target, left, targetpt, T, rect_left)
        f = f .+ _computeforce(target, right, targetpt, T, rect_right)
    return f 

  for i in eachindex(
    vel[i] = _computeforce(i, 1, pts[i], T, T.hyper_rec)

@time applyforces(T, pts, vel, centers, weights)
@time applyforces(T, pts, vel, centers, weights)
@time applyforces(T, pts, vel, centers, weights)

## check forces
vel2 = similar(pts)
function simpleforces(pts, vel2; 
    min_distance2 = 1.0,
    max_distance2 = Inf,

  function _compute_force(pt1, pt2, strength)
    d = pt2 .- pt1
    d2 = dot(d, d)
    if d2 < max_distance2
      #d = jiggle(d, rng)
      d2 = dot(d, d)
      if d2 < min_distance2
        d2 = sqrt(min_distance2*d2)

      w = strength*alpha / d2
      return d .* w 
      return 0.0 .* pt1 

  for i in eachindex(pts)
    targetpt = pts[i]
    f = 0.0 .* targetpt 
    for j in eachindex(pts)
      if i != j
        f = f .+ _compute_force(targetpt, pts[j], strength)
    vel2[i] = f
@time simpleforces(pts, vel2)
@time simpleforces(pts, vel2)
@time simpleforces(pts, vel2)

isapprox(vel, vel2; rtol=0.1)

I’ve made a very naive implementation of quadtrees. My mistake was registering that package while still learning julia. Not only that, but also registering it with the name Quadtrees. I will try to update it and make a better implementation, or better yet, if someone (more knowledgeable) wants to make the implementation of quadtrees and register it with the name Quadtrees, i can make a PR to the GeneralRegistry to move the package to the new repo.

I once implemented an atypical quadtree in an interesting application. It is based on pixel storage rather than coordinate storage and is used for collision detection within a bounded area. GitHub - guo-yong-zhi/Stuffing.jl: An algorithm for collision detection and 2D irregular nesting

@dgleich you may try to revive

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