PackageCompiler: Integration of mingw-w64

I have problems to integrate properly the mingw-w64 compiler and header files into my
project for application compiling via PackageCompiler.
I found one tread in the package home page:
compile_app() fails to build if paths are used (on Windows)
In the root directory of the package PackageCompiler you can find in the Artifacts.toml
the following entry:

arch = "x86_64"
git-tree-sha1 = "fdff308295487f361ef6e8dc2d27f5abe8a6eee9"
os = "windows"
lazy = true

    sha256 = "fe3f401bc936fbe6af940b26c5e0f266f762a3416f979c706e599b24082dc5c7"
    url = ""

arch = "i686"
git-tree-sha1 = "bc760d8ef1b4840e55a36bd361587b4975af811f"
os = "windows"
lazy = true

    sha256 = "ab0abb76384ce9b657141d3a54150d0b865f9c06576caa7901a6c8429c9008e5"
    url = ""

the git-tree-sha1 number fdff308295487f361ef6e8dc2d27f5abe8a6eee9 fond there
is identical to the one that is part of the error message during compilation, now I wonder
how can I fix this issue

ERROR: IOError: open("MyAppCompiled\\share\\julia\\artifacts\\fdff308295487f361ef6e8dc2d27f5abe8a6eee9\\

What is the trick to avoid this compilation error?

I still do not know the reason for this issue, I faced this issue during the attempt to simplify and modify the rather complex example included in the package PackageCompiler.jl.
Meanwhile I managed to set-up two projects containing interactive GLMakie figures and I was able to compile them under JuliaLTS and Julia v1.8.5:
GLMakie Applications