Package Manager - Unrecoverable error using packages from GitHub

Hello Julia Community!
I am working my way through the rest of the POMDP course in Julia Academy. Great course!

The Pluto Notebooks seem to be a bit out of date… and this particular challenge relates to the 5th course in the series.

I need to add POMDPGym…

… and Crux from Github

I am able to add these packages with the package manager:

… however when I try to use the packages, there is an unrecoverable error and Pluto (as well as REPL) process stops.


I have tried using PyCall.jl & Conda.jl (zero success) as well as PythonCall.jl & CondaPkg.jl (limited success)

The error occurs when:

At this point, it is beyond my ability to troubleshoot, so I would greatly appreciate any feedback or suggestions!

My feeling, as I had tried many times to make calls to Python, is that there is something wrong with the Python Environment linked to Julia. Even though the packages were added to Manifest.toml and Project.toml :roll_eyes:

This code is enough of a working example to replicate the error (use your own environment path):

using Pkg
Pkg.activate("**/Your Environment Path/**")
using CondaPkg, PythonCall

CondaPkg.add("gym")   #Python dependency for POMDPGym

CondaPkg.add("wandb")   # Python dependency for Crux
CondaPkg.add("matplotlib")   # Python dependency for Crux

using POMDPs, Flux

using POMDPGym   # problem... POMDPGym and Crux are listed as installed packages
using Crux       # but calling them here causes unresolvable error and terminates.

𝒜 = [-2.0, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 2.0];
mdp = PendulumMDP(actions=𝒜);```

Thanks to everyone who responds!!