I’m working on some Quarto documents (text/charts/tables) and I’m struggling to find a package similar to GT (in R) where I can fully customize the layout. Apart from PrettyTables (which doesn’t look good on a modern html page) and BrowseTables (which I cannot customize) I haven’t found anything which could be close to GT. Is there any package you use and could recommend?
Have you seen SummaryTables? GitHub - PumasAI/SummaryTables.jl: A Julia package for creating publication-ready summary tables in HTML, docx, LaTeX and Typst
Not sure what “fully customize the layout” means, I do not expose a lot of styling options for tables as they’re supposed to look a certain way. But you can certainly place underline and merge cells as needed.
I’ll check that, thank you. By saying customization I meant to add titles, subtitles, color coding etc, styling etc.
If you’re missing some feature just open an issue, I’m open to adding more customization options. For example I haven’t added color, yet, (but if you really needed it you could add it yourself with a wrapper type and a few methods). We don’t really use color in tables at PumasAI.
The same goes for fontsize, because it’s a bit tricky how it should work exactly between the docx backend and the others. But so far, in the tables I had to do, there was no need for different fontsizes within the same table and fontsize was controlled by the document instead.
will do, thank you for your support!