Is there a way to override the print representation of a complex vector?
u=[1 2]; println( "u=$u") u=[1im 2]; println( "u=$u")
u=[1 2] u=Complex{Int64}[0 + 1im 2 + 0im]
I want to get rid of the type specification; yes, I could write some code, but is there some simple way to achieve this?
You could call
Base.print_array(stdout, u)
which outputs bare-bones contents (without even the brackets). This is an undocumented internal function, however.
Thank you, that works print("["); Base.print_array(stdout, [1im 2+2im]); println("]") yields [ 0 + 1im 2 + 2im] still a bit hard to read due to the spaces, but no user code required!
print("["); Base.print_array(stdout, [1im 2+2im]); println("]")
[ 0 + 1im 2 + 2im]