Hello, I would like to add a zero function for a custom parametric type.
This code for example
struct Point{T}
Point{T}() where T = Point(zero(T))
Point() = Point(0)
can produce “zero” elements with
But when I try to define
Base.zero(::Point{T}) where T = Point{T}(zero(T))
and call it with zero(Point{Int64})
I get the following error:
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Point{Int64}})
Closest candidates are:
zero(::Type{Base.LibGit2.GitHash}) at libgit2/oid.jl:106
zero(::Type{Base.Pkg.Resolve.VersionWeights.VWPreBuildItem}) at pkg/resolve/versionweight.jl:82
zero(::Type{Base.Pkg.Resolve.VersionWeights.VWPreBuild}) at pkg/resolve/versionweight.jl:124
Why can’t julia dispatch to the right method is this case?