Hello! I am new to Julia and GMT and am looking to see if it’s possible to overlay a grid (in which i define how large each box should be and the color it should be) on top of a plot of a certain region of the US.
function create_grid(region, grid_size)
lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = region
lon_step = (lon_max - lon_min) / grid_size
lat_step = (lat_max - lat_min) / grid_size
grid = [((lon_min + i*lon_step, lat_min + j*lat_step),
(lon_min + (i+1)*lon_step, lat_min + (j+1)*lat_step))
for i in 0:(grid_size-1), j in 0:(grid_size-1)]
return grid
I have written this function to define how large the “Squares” of the grid should be (it just contains the bottom left and top right points of each square). I have values for each square that would help me define what the color of the square should be. I thought that using grdimage (grdimage · GMT) could be helpful, but I’m not entirely sure how to create a .grd file that contains the boundary information of each square. Is it possible to define the grid by the vertices of each square? Thank you so much. I’ve attached a rough sketch of what I’d like for the plot to look like!
Update: we are now trying to use a method similar to what is described here and this is our code to do so:
function make_plot_with_grid()
# Define the latitude and longitude of Hayward, CA
hayward_lat = 37.6688
hayward_lon = -122.0808
# Define the zoom level
zoom_level = 0.5
# Calculate the region coordinates
my_region = [hayward_lon - zoom_level, hayward_lon + zoom_level, hayward_lat - zoom_level, hayward_lat + zoom_level]
lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = my_region
grid_size = 20
lon_step = (lon_max - lon_min) / grid_size
lat_step = (lat_max - lat_min) / grid_size
fig = coast(region=my_region, proj=:Mercator, frame=:g, area=1000, land=:gray, water=:white)
colors = zeros(grid_size, grid_size)
for i in 1:grid_size
for j in 1:grid_size
sub_lon_min = lon_min + i * lon_step
sub_lat_min = lat_min + j * lat_step
sub_lon_max = lon_min + (i + 1) * lon_step
sub_lat_max = lat_min + (j + 1) * lat_step
cell = (sub_lon_min, sub_lat_min), (sub_lon_max, sub_lat_max)
# prob gets a value that we base the color of the cell off of
prob = sample_and_average(cell, myMDP, 10)
color = probability_to_color(prob)
colors[i, j] = color
coast!(region=my_region, proj=:Mercator, figsize=50) # make the map
topo = makecpt(color=:rainbow, range=(0,225,20), continuous=true) #make colorbar
grdimage!(colors, coast=true, color=topo, limits=my_region)#frame=(annot=30, grid=30, ticks=20, title="Our test title"), par=(FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY=18,)) # plot my gridarray
#colorbar!(pos=(anchor=:BC,length=(32.5,0.7), horizontal=true, offset=(0,1.0)),color=topo, frame=(ylabel="W/m^2",),par=(FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY=18,), show=true,savefig="/home/yasminealonso/Desktop/gmt1.png") # plot colorbar & show and save figure
# Display the plot
but we are getting this error:
grdimage [WARNING]: Your grid y's or latitudes appear to be outside the map region and will be skipped.
grdimage [WARNING]: No grid or image inside plot domain
Thank you so much!