I have a matrix of size 9x100
9×100 Matrix{Float64}:
1.08563 1.20562 1.26562 1.14562 1.17562 1.29562 1.23562 1.11563 1.13062 … 1.15031 1.27031 1.21031 1.09031 1.09406 1.21406 1.27406 1.15406
2.44922 2.69922 2.32422 2.57422 2.26172 2.51172 2.38672 2.63672 2.35547 2.30664 2.55664 2.43164 2.68164 2.2832 2.5332 2.4082 2.6582
1.06406 0.964063 1.01406 0.914062 0.989063 1.08906 0.939063 1.03906 0.926563 0.977344 1.07734 0.927344 1.02734 1.09922 0.999219 1.04922 0.949219
0.440215 0.398965 0.41959 0.37834 0.388652 0.429902 0.409277 0.450527 0.424746 0.37415 0.4154 0.394775 0.436025 0.432158 0.390908 0.452783 0.411533
0.579248 0.522993 0.551121 0.607376 0.593312 0.537057 0.50893 0.565184 0.530025 0.548044 0.604299 0.576172 0.519917 0.591993 0.535739 0.507611 0.563866
0.286828 0.315828 0.301328 0.272328 0.279578 0.308578 0.294078 0.265078 0.268703 … 0.269383 0.298383 0.312883 0.283883 0.275727 0.304727 0.290227 0.261227
1.34266 1.21266 1.40766 1.27766 1.37516 1.24516 1.31016 1.18016 1.39141 1.24008 1.37008 1.17508 1.30508 1.18727 1.31727 1.25227 1.38227
0.00376875 0.00416875 0.00436875 0.00396875 0.00426875 0.00386875 0.00366875 0.00406875 0.00421875 0.00437187 0.00397187 0.00377188 0.00417188 0.00405938 0.00365937 0.00385937 0.00425938
0.104844 0.0948438 0.0998438 0.109844 0.0973438 0.107344 0.102344 0.0923438 0.0960938 0.0989844 0.108984 0.103984 0.0939844 0.108047 0.0980469 0.0930469 0.103047
Each one of the column vectors represents a specific point in parameter space. I would like to order these columns from low to high while preserving the order at which the elements appear in the column. I might have missed something in the documentation I thought best to ask