Optional argument is a struct

I have a function that takes say 3 arguments fun(a,b,c), where they are all structs I defined and the third one is optional.
If the third one is present, then I’ll need to call fun2.
What’s a clean way to do this? I could simply do

    if !c==nothing

But that would be type unstable, right? I could also have c be a struct with default values, maybe one of them being exists and defaulting to true and do

    if c.defined

But that forces me to set defaults to c, which I’d rather not have.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!

Define your fun2 as a method of fun:

fun(a, b, c) = ...
fun(a, b) = .... # this is your fun2

That is what Julia is all about: multiple dispatch!


Yep, that would work, but fun is actually a pretty long function that I’d rather not duplicate.

Can you not factor out what is needed by both methods into, say, _fun, and then call that from both methods?


No, it’s totally fine. Just make sure you use === or !== (its opposite) for checking for nothing. Only one possible value is === nothing, and that’s nothing itself, so the compiler will be able to figure out which branch of the if statement is taken just from the type of c alone (by checking if that type is Nothing or something else).

Having an optional argument default to nothing and then checking if c !== nothing in the body of the function is a totally reasonable thing to do in Julia.


I’ll share some advice I was given.

  1. Define a function _fun that does the bulk of the work. Then have methods fun(a, b, c) and fun(a, b) both call _fun internally but with different pre- and post-processing above and below respectively.
  2. You can use a distinct struct rather than nothing to define methods for your different cases: Application Code Organization - #15 by lmiq.

Thanks, folks. I’ll stick to the nothing approach for now.