OptimizationSystem from a set of multiple equations

I have a set of equations where there are some input variables and one output variable. I want to minimize the output variable, and thought to do this with an OptimizationProblem. In this example, distance is the only input, and I want to minimize total_acc. My question is: how can I find the equation of total_acc relative to distance programmatically, so I can pass it to the OptimizationSystem?

# Falling mass, attached to linear spring
using ModelingToolkit, Optimization, OptimizationOptimJL, LinearAlgebra
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

G_EARTH::Vector{Float64} = [0.0, 0.0, -9.81]    # gravitational acceleration     [m/s²]
L0::Float64 = -10.0                             # initial spring length      [m]

# defing the model, Z component upwards
@parameters mass=1.0 c_spring=50.0 damping=0.5 l0=L0
@variables   pos(t)[1:3]
@variables   vel(t)[1:3]
@variables   acc(t)[1:3]
@variables unit_vector(t)[1:3]
@variables spring_force(t)[1:3]
@variables norm1(t) spring_vel(t)
@variables total_acc(t)
@variables distance(t)

eqs = [
    pos          ~ distance * [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    vel          ~ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    norm1        ~ norm(pos)
    unit_vector  ~ -pos / norm1         # direction from point mass to origin
    spring_vel   ~ -unit_vector ⋅ vel
    spring_force ~ (c_spring * (norm1 - abs(l0)) + damping * spring_vel) * unit_vector
    acc          ~ G_EARTH + spring_force/mass
    total_acc ~ norm(acc)

eqs = Symbolics.scalarize.(reduce(vcat, Symbolics.scalarize.(eqs)))

@mtkbuild sys = OptimizationSystem(total_acc, [distance], [])
prob = OptimizationProblem(sys, [1.0], [], grad = true, hess = true)
u_opt = solve(prob, GradientDescent())
# solution should be the distance where the acceleration is the smallest

I’m trying to figure out what you’re trying to do. Are you trying to minimize total_acc as a function of distance? Distance is not defined.

Yes, I am trying to minimize total_acc as a function of distance. I forgot to define distance but changed it now… The variables are time-dependent because I want to use a very similar model in an ODE and I want to re-use the code, but the time-dependence is not used in this minimization problem.

So basically I want to programmatically be able to rewrite the system of equations eqs to one big equation, with total_acc on the lhs.

new_eq = total_acc ~ ...
@mtkbuild sys = OptimizationSystem(new_eq.rhs, [distance], [mass, c_spring, damping, l0])