I’m new to optimization problem. I find SDDP.jl closed to what I want to do. There are state variable, control variables, random variables. But with SDDP.jl, we need to define the stage objective for each node, I would like to call it “local objective function”. In my case, the objective is the sum of a certain function for each stage, I have a “global objective function”. I don’t know if this is supported by SDDP.jl. Any example similar to my case?
Besides, if stage objective and global objective exist at the same time, how can I emphasize that the priority of global objective, i.e. global objective is more important than the stage objective.
I am working with 4 reservoirs control in flood season. Water draw off from these reservoirs will gather at one point. We want to minimize the total flow at the point during a week by controlling the discharge of the 4 reservoirs. So the objective function is the total flow at the point in 7 days. Is there any example similar to my case?
What is the time horizon? Do you want to minimize the total flow during any 7 day period over a longer time? Or do you just want to minis the total flow over the horizon while minimizing cost as well?
I just want to minis the total flow for a week. I am thinking about dividing this objective into the flow for each day in a week, and then sum up all the flow for each day. I don’t know whether this is reasonable.
If so, add a new state variable that collects the total flow, then penalize it in the final stage. You can a penalty coefficient in the objective to change the priority, relative to your other objectives.
SDDP.LinearPolicyGraph(stages = 7) do sp, t
@variable(sp, total_flow, SDDP.State, start = 0)
@constraint(sp, total_flow.out == total_flow.in + ...)
if t == 7
@stageobjective(total_flow + ...)
If you want it to be any 7 days, it’s also do-able, but you need to introduce 7 new state variables, so it’s a little trickier. You’d need something like this
SDDP.LinearPolicyGraph(stages = 365) do sp, t
# Keep track of the last 7 flows
@variable(sp, total_flow[1:7], SDDP.State, start = 0)
# Keep track of the worst 7-day flow
@variable(sp, max_flow, SDDP.State, start = 0)
# State transitions for total_flow
@constraint(sp, total_flow[1].out == ...)
@constraint(sp, [i=2:7], total_flow[i].out == total_flow[i-1].in)
# State transitions for max_flow
@constraint(sp, max_flow.out >= max_flow.in)
@constraint(sp, max_flow.out >= sum(total_flow))
# On the last day, penalize max_flow
if t == 365
@stageobjective(max_flow + ...)
Yes, the total time horizon is 7 days. So the first case is more likely to help. How do you define the penalty coefficient to make sure the total_flow is of the first priority? This is related to the if-else structure?