On work environments and noise

Transcribing music sounds awesome! Did you slow it down while transcribing, so you could pick out the individual sounds more easily?

BTW, this is way off-topic, but I find it interesting how Frank Zappa initially employed Steve Vai, later famous as a guitarist, as transcriptionist for Zappa’s improvised music:



I can relate to this. Other people seem to have a much easier time with conversations in noisy environment such as bars, restaurants etc. For me this likely related to my migraines. For those not aware: Migraines are rooted neurologically. Migraine brains are essentially excited more easily and with that there is a tendency for an impaired filtering of stimuli.
Coming back to the bar/restaurant situation: I usually struggle with focusing on a specific conversation because I hear most conversations around me. This of course also makes these situations an excellent trigger for developing a migraine attack. I usually monitor myself and there is a very noticeable switch for me where my perception shifts and all conversations around me just become noise to me. That is usually the point where I try to get out and find some quiet place.


Oh my go… I have the same experience but not a big migraine. I do get a headache, enough for me to be uncomfortable and have stopped going to large gatherings like parties and the like. I used to love listening to music but I start to develop a headache sometimes.

And for focusing on conversations in loud environments, it’s gotten harder over time which I’ve attributed to sensory overload, too much and too amplitudinous (is that a word? It is now.) sound to filter through. And that’s so interesting that it’s a neurological thing, that’s making sense of my experiences.

No but I would replay small sections over and over until I was happy with my transcription. And over the years, the amount of replaying would reduce. Eventually I joined in choirs and could make up my own harmonies, very fun. And finding others who could do the same was fun in singing together.

Also, whistling in harmony is fun.

He’s got some polyrhythms there. I never fully mastered them on piano. And I kind of wish I took drumming when I was younger, polyrhythms are super fun. Also mentions rubato… I abused rubato throughout my playing of romantic era music.

Also wished I learned guitar… okay I wish I learned every instrument.


A migraine attack is not defined via the strength of the headache. A migraine is a quite specific reaction of the body in response to a situation where the brain expended too much energy essentially. If the brain is undersupplied, it releases a hormone that widens the blood vessels to increase blood flow (and thus nutrient/energy supply) to itself. The pain arises because the widened blood vessels put pressure onto the surrounding tissue and unfortunately the hormone makes the tissue more sensitive.

In principle everyone can experience a migraine attack but for people with the neurological condition that keeps their brains more excited on average it happens much more often because the energy demand is just higher.

So if you are neurodivergent, it might be that in fact you do experience migraines by above definition. If you don’t suffer too much from this and normal painkillers are sufficient for relief then this of course does not bear much relevance. Should you experience headache regularly and/or normal painkillers (in small doses) do not offer sufficient relief then there are specialized painkillers for migraines called Triptans.


Ohhhh. Time to experiment on myself, haha. Thank you. I tend to avoid taking medication when I can. I don’t know how harmful it is to avoid it though. Especially since I would just ascribe it as a headache. Thank you.

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So, I’ve downloaded their app, and I think it’s really helped me with my sleep. A kind of anchor for my overactive brain to anchor to. Thanks for the recommendation.

Their app lets you control the amplitude of different noise components. E.g. last night I tried Japanese Garden, which had chimes I found annoying. I could turn ir off, and it was perfect, fell asleep much more quickly than usual.

Experimental sample size of one, but I like the funcationality, I’ll see how this continues.


It is never too late… just get a guitar, it is a fun instrument :wink: try them in a shop to see if you like the sound, given the discussion above you may find nylon strings more pleasant.