Nullspace in exact arithmetics

Is there a generic Julia implementation of a nullspace in exact arithmetics? I.e., I am interested in nullspace(A::AbstractMatrix{T}), where T is any field number datatype. The return type of the method would be again AbstractMatrix{T}. Or should I implement it myself through Gaussian elimination?

Nemo.jl might be able to do this? See e.g. this stackoverflow answer.

Also GitHub - jmichel7/GenLinearAlgebra.jl: Linear algebra on an arbitrary field or ring has a nullspace function and says that it does exact calculations over any field/ring.

also LinearAlgebraX.jl

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Unfortunately, it works only on ZZMatrix, a datatype defined by Nemo. It won’t work, for example, on Rational{Int} datatype. Otherwise, GenLinearAlgebra.jl might work for me, thanks!

Thanks. It seems that this is exactly what I was looking for.

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