I thought Diffractor was meant to be especially suited to higher-order derivatives? I’m not really an AD user myself but based on some of the discussions I’ve seen on Slack it sounds like people have got it to work on quite a few test cases at this point, although afaik it’s still rather experimental.
Thanks for all the replies. I went with the original code above, finding it the simplest — I only need it for unit testing.
Incidentally, I found that implementing a quick & dirty AD system in <50 LOC is the best solution I could come up with for calculating higher-order derivatives of Chebyshev polynomials and their Smolyak combinations. It only supports +, -, * for the polynomials, and / in addition for transformations.
After many years of Julia, I still find it unbelievable how powerful the language is.
Wow. That’s a very neat use of foldl. It’s even faster than using TaylorSeries like @baggepinnen mentioned:
using BenchmarkTools, ForwardDiff, TaylorSeries
function ddn(f, x, ::Val{N}) where {N}
fn = foldl((f, _) -> x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, x),
ntuple(_ -> nothing, Val(N)); init = f)
# also type stable:
ddn_ts(f, x, N) = f(x+Taylor1(Float64, N))[N]*factorial(N)
# making const as well to be extra paranoid about type stuff.
const x = 1.1
const v = 5
const val_v = Val(v)
# simple f function, but trying to avoid things that are literally in the lookup
# tables for ForwardDiff:
f(x) = exp(cos(log(x+1.1)+1.1)+1.1)
@btime ddn(f, $x, $val_v); # 329 ns, 7 alloc: 336 bytes
@btime ddn_ts(f, $x, $v); # 389 ns 13 alloc: 1.36 KiB
Also, wow again about ForwardDiff being so hard to beat.
If you want you can calculate the derivatives with Symbolics
using Symbolics
function der_symbolics(f, a::Int) # f is a callable julia function
x = Symbolics.variable("x")
der = (Differential(x)^a)(f(x)) |> expand_derivatives
eval(build_function(der, x)) # this is a callable julia function
sin_third_deriv = der_symbolics(sin, 3)
and sin_third_deriv is compatible with AD like ForwardDiff.
der_symbolics is not fast, however sin_third_deriv is fast.