Not sure how to apply a filter

I’ve constructed a filter as follows:

filter1 = let
	f1 = 6.31
	f2 = 1258.9
	Q1 = 0.71
	f3 = 15.915
	f4 = 15.915
	Q2 = 0.64
			Biquad(4π^2*f2^2,0.0,0.0,2π*f1/Q1, 4π^2*f1^2),
			Biquad(0.0,0.0,1.0,2π*f2/Q1, 4π^2*f2^2),
			Biquad(0.0, 2π*f4^2/f3, 4π^2*f4^2, 2π*f4/Q2, 4π^2*f4^2)], 1.0)

and I’ve plotted the frequency response:

	plot(fr, abs.(freqs(filter1, fr.*2π)),
		yaxis=:log,xaxis=:log, title = "filter response", leg=false)

assuming using DSP, Plots.

I would like to apply this filter to sampled data. I have successfully created digital filters following the examples in the docs, starting with responsetypes and designmethods, but I’m not sure how to create a digitalfilter from a SecondOrderSections.

You can just use filt(filter1, sampled_data), I believe.

That works for a digital filter where you have designed it for a given sample rate, but I don’t know to use an analog filter. The docs say that it will “Apply the filter … along the first dimension of array x”, but nowhere have I set the sample rate and when I tried anyway just to see what I would get, I got extreme values and NaNs. I think there’s a distinction between analog filters and digital filters in DSP.jl that I don’t understand.

The distinction between analog and digital filter in this context is better expressed as continuous-time (Laplace transform) or discrete-time (Z-Transform). If you intend to apply this filter to a sampled signal, you should be operating in (or convert your coefficients to) a discrete-time representation. In the discrete-time case, frequencies are represented in radians/sample, so the values given for fn in your filter coefficients and response plotting are suspiciously large. I suspect you meant to divide each of those by your sampling frequency Fs.

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I’ve been reading through the docs, some of the source, and some Matlab docs for sosfilt, and I think you are right. The cutoff frequencies I used above are indeed in Hz (this is a filter specified in a standard by the polynomials, and the above definition gives the right bode plot), where the Matlab example defines them in normalized frequency in units of π rd / sample or half-cycles per sample. I’m at the wrong computer right now but in the morning will try multiplying the fn values by 2/fsample, and then applying the filter.


I still don’t know what I’m doing. I have a alternate solution using a digital filter constructed differently but I would still like to know what I’m doing wrong.

Here’s my example:

### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.12.10

using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils

# ╔═╡ 84c78010-284a-11eb-1385-cd8bd55f042d
	using DSP
	using Plots

# ╔═╡ 620b8630-2871-11eb-06f5-c7d982acd7bd

# ╔═╡ 83664af0-2861-11eb-084e-6de55511c1dc
filter1 = let
	f1 = 6.31*Tsample
	f2 = 1258.9*Tsample
	Q1 = 0.71
	f3 = 15.915*Tsample
	f4 = 15.915*Tsample
	Q2 = 0.64
			Biquad(4π^2*f2^2,0.0,0.0,2π*f1/Q1, 4π^2*f1^2),
			Biquad(0.0,0.0,1.0,2π*f2/Q1, 4π^2*f2^2),
			Biquad(0.0, 2π*f4^2/f3, 4π^2*f4^2, 2π*f4/Q2, 4π^2*f4^2)], 1.0)

# ╔═╡ 0938a0a0-28e5-11eb-0e2f-9d28fb0ab8b9
	tr = 0.0:Tsample:1.0
	p1=plot(tr, x, label="input")
	fx = filt(filter1, x)
	p2=plot(tr,fx, label="output")
	plot(p1,p2,layout=(2,1), link=:x)

# ╔═╡ d6b631f0-2863-11eb-1f59-bb236634efcc
	plot(fr, abs.(freqs(filter1, fr.*2π*Tsample)),
		yaxis=:log,xaxis=:log, title = "filter response", leg=false)

# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╠═0938a0a0-28e5-11eb-0e2f-9d28fb0ab8b9
# ╠═d6b631f0-2863-11eb-1f59-bb236634efcc
# ╠═620b8630-2871-11eb-06f5-c7d982acd7bd
# ╠═83664af0-2861-11eb-084e-6de55511c1dc
# ╠═84c78010-284a-11eb-1385-cd8bd55f042d

The bode plot that is produced is correct, but the output waveform in the plot has a magnitude of about 0.004, regardless of if I set f to 1.0, 10.0, 100.0 or 1000.0 Hz.

Ah, I think I see now. The fact that freqs gives the correct plot (as opposed to freqz) means that the Biquad coefficients you have are in the Lapace domain (continuous time, usually represented as a polynomial in s). filt assumes it’s input is in the Z domain (discrete time, usually represented as a polynomial in z). The Bilinear Transform can convert coefficients between the two representations.

The (unreleased) latest version of DSP.jl has tools to make this difference explicit, try this out

### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.12.10

using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils

# ╔═╡ 84c78010-284a-11eb-1385-cd8bd55f042d
        using Pkg
        Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name="DSP", rev="master"))

# ╔═╡ 958dba22-2949-11eb-15b6-7f836480cc87
        using DSP
        using Plots

# ╔═╡ 620b8630-2871-11eb-06f5-c7d982acd7bd

# ╔═╡ 83664af0-2861-11eb-084e-6de55511c1dc
filter_s = let
        f1 = 6.31*Tsample*2
        f2 = 1258.9*Tsample*2
        Q1 = 0.71
        f3 = 15.915*Tsample*2
        f4 = 15.915*Tsample*2
        Q2 = 0.64
                        Biquad{:s}(4π^2*f2^2,0.0,0.0,2π*f1/Q1, 4π^2*f1^2),
                        Biquad{:s}(0.0,0.0,1.0,2π*f2/Q1, 4π^2*f2^2),
                        Biquad{:s}(0.0, 2π*f4^2/f3, 4π^2*f4^2, 2π*f4/Q2, 4π^2*f4^2)], 1.0)

# ╔═╡ b504b86a-2958-11eb-28b5-0df48a71b1b2
 # since frequencies are normalized already, fs is just 2
filter1 = DSP.Filters.bilinear(filter_s, 2)

# ╔═╡ 0938a0a0-28e5-11eb-0e2f-9d28fb0ab8b9
        tr = 0.0:Tsample:10.0
        # x=sin.(2π*(f/4)*tr) + sin.(2π*f*tr) + sin.(2π*4*f*tr)
        x = rand(length(tr))
        perin = periodogram(x; fs=1. / Tsample)
        p1=plot(freq(perin)[imin:imax], power(perin)[imin:imax], yaxis=:log, xaxis=:log, label="input", leg=false)
        fx = filt(filter1, x)
        perout = periodogram(fx; fs=1. / Tsample)
        p2=plot(freq(perout)[imin:imax], power(perout)[imin:imax], yaxis=:log, xaxis=:log, label="output", leg=false)
        plot(p1, p2, layout=(2,1), link=:x)

# ╔═╡ d6b631f0-2863-11eb-1f59-bb236634efcc
        plot(fr, abs.(freqz(filter1, fr, 1. / Tsample)),
                yaxis=:log,xaxis=:log, title = "filter response", leg=false)

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# ╠═0938a0a0-28e5-11eb-0e2f-9d28fb0ab8b9
# ╠═d6b631f0-2863-11eb-1f59-bb236634efcc
# ╟─620b8630-2871-11eb-06f5-c7d982acd7bd
# ╠═83664af0-2861-11eb-084e-6de55511c1dc
# ╠═b504b86a-2958-11eb-28b5-0df48a71b1b2
# ╠═84c78010-284a-11eb-1385-cd8bd55f042d
# ╠═958dba22-2949-11eb-15b6-7f836480cc87

Bilinear transform, bilinear. Now that’s a term I’ve not heard in a long, long time. A long time.

I did study this in one of my EE classes, but back where there were only three Star Wars movies.

Thank you, it’s making sense now.