As someone who still is climbing the sometimes steep Julia learning curve, I would like to add some observations
- Some of the best learning material I found in notebooks, yet I had problems reading it at my laptop. Too much scrolling, too much wasted space. I finished by copying important parts to an normal Julia file.
- Conveying new concepts is especially needed with Julia and its elaborated syntax sugar. Having an interactive part after a good intro would be great. But the doc should be more book than notebook, and (also) available in a very concise format like
The real challenge (for me) is still to find what functions are available, especially package API.
- Plots.jl doc is almost perfect, and verbose. An Express-style part with one-liners would be helpful as a quick reference.
- Julia’s multiple dispatch and inventive commands are a real challenge to keep function information in one place. Discourse then often fills the gap. Would not have found these:
open(f::Function, command, args…; kwargs…) # open file, iterate on bytes, close file
cat(matrices…; dims=(1,2)) # build block matrices
Every effort to improve (automate?) doc accessibility is welcome and should be tried!