Nonlinear objective with both splatted variable and vector parameters


I’m currently writing a model predictive control package. The JuMP package is really helpful, thanks for everything.

For nonlinear programming, my decision variable is a vector so I need to rely on the splatting syntax. I also need vector nonlinear parameters with @NLparameter(model, x[i=1:n] == x_val[i]). Knowing that :

The expression splatted can be only a symbol. More complex expressions are not recognized.

is there a way to create an objective function both with nonscalar decision variable and nonscalar parameters as argument ?

For example, I can do:

using JuMP, Ipopt
function myfunc()
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    nvar = 3
    @variable(model, x[1:nvar])
    @NLparameter(model, a == 1)
    f(a, x...) = sum((x .- a).^2)
    register(model, :f, 1+nvar, f; autodiff = true)
    @NLobjective(model, Min, f(a, x...))

but this:

using JuMP, Ipopt
function myfunc()
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    nvar = 3
    @variable(model, x[1:nvar])
    @NLparameter(model, a[i=1:nvar] == 1)
    f(a, x...) = sum((x .- a).^2)
    register(model, :f, 1+nvar, f; autodiff = true)
    @NLobjective(model, Min, f(a, x...))

results in:

ERROR: Unexpected array NonlinearParameter[parameter[1] == 1.0, parameter[2] == 1.0, parameter[3] == 1.0] in nonlinear expression. Nonlinear expressions may contain only scalar expressions.

Thanks for your help,

Francis Gagnon

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Not the most elegant approach, but you could do this

using JuMP, Ipopt
function myfunc()
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    nvar = 3
    @variable(model, x[1:nvar])
    @NLparameter(model, a[i=1:nvar] == 1)
    f(z...) = sum((z[nvar+1:end] .- z[1:nvar]).^2)
    register(model, :f, 2*nvar, f; autodiff = true)
    @NLobjective(model, Min, f(a..., x...))
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Thanks for the help, it is indeed a solution. I have multiple vector parameters, so yes it will be a bit messy. But it’s better than no solution!

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Maybe you could use something like API · ComponentArrays.jl where you construct a ComponentArray with your inputs and then you get the indices via getaxes back, or you might even be able to directly access using labels inside the f function.

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If the parameters are used exclusively in the registered function, you have the option of hiding them from JuMP via a closure:

using JuMP, Ipopt
function myfunc()
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    nvar = 3
    @variable(model, x[1:nvar])
    a = zeros(nvar)
    f(x...) = sum((x .- a).^2)
    register(model, :f, nvar, f; autodiff = true)
    @NLobjective(model, Min, f(x...))
    @show value.(x)

	a[1] = 10.0
    @show value.(x)


In this case it’s on you to be aware of the subtleties around how to update the parameter outside the closure.


If the parameters are used exclusively in the registered function, you have the option of hiding them from JuMP via a closure:

This solution is still applicable if I use my parameters both in the objective function and the nonlinear constraint function (thus two separate registered functions) ?

This solution is still applicable if I use my parameters both in the objective function and the nonlinear constraint function (thus two separate registered functions) ?


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Great thanks! I’ll rely on your solution, it’s a bit tiddier than splating all the arguments.