Just for curiosity, these are the question and answer that originally motivated this post, translated by DeepL:
Hi, I’m new to Julia too. In some sites it says that it is a compiled language, but as it does not create an executable, I think it is more like an interpreted language (because it needs to have the Julia compiler installed to work). In any case, Python is an interpreted language but you can create executables. At one time I used something like pi2exe, but it lagged behind and then I used cx_freeze and it works fine. I go to Julia out of curiosity, but everything I program now is aimed at windows and I also need the .exe.
Welcome to the community. It is true that Julia is compiled but “just in time” or in other words, it is compiled just before running the code, without producing an executable. Right now I think the most popular way to create an executable is through PackageCompiler.jl 1 but I would say that it is not an ideal solution for now (if most of your programs are to share with people who don’t know how to program). Whether Julia is a good solution for you or not depends entirely on what kind of problems you need to solve.
Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)
To be honest, I could not have done better.