I am trying to write an optimization routine for insurance book. The target is to be able to increase the return without affecting the tail value at risk by modifying the shares for each contract.
This is an example of what I had so far.
#simulated losses for each contract, for every year of simulation
losses_matrix = collect([
93.043 51.826 1.063
84.585 52.823 0.938
111.453 56.477 1.000
99.525 49.805 0.938
95.819 50.287 1.438
114.708 51.521 1.700
111.515 51.531 2.540
113.211 48.664 2.390
104.942 55.744 3.120
99.827 47.916 2.980
shares = [0.5, 0.3, 0.2] #initial shares
minimum_shares = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1] #boundaries for the optimizer
maximum_shares = [0.9, 0.5, 0.4]
premiums = [160, 80.0, 10.0] #contracts premium
rp = 2 # var point for constraint
initial_return = portfolio_return(shares)
portfolio_return(x) = sum(premiums .* x .- mean_losses(x))
objective_prem_vs_initial(x) = sum(premiums .* x .- mean_losses(x)) / initial_return
function tvar(x)
portfolio_losses = sum(losses_matrix .* x, dims=1) # Sum across contracts (rows)
sorted_portfolio_losses = sort(portfolio_losses[:], rev=true) # Flatten & sort descending
tvar_ret = mean(sorted_portfolio_losses[1:rp]) # Take top rp values
return tvar_ret
tvar_lower_bound = tvar(shares) * .8
tvar_upper_bound = tvar(shares) * 1.2
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(model, minimum_shares[i] <= x[i in 1:num_contracts] <= maximum_shares[i])
set_start_value.(x, shares)
#@constraint(model, tvar(x) <= tvar_upper_bound)
#@constraint(model, tvar(x) >= tvar_lower_bound)
@objective(model, Max, objective_prem_vs_initial(x))
is_success = is_solved_and_feasible(model)
The problem starts when I try to add the constraint above, which I understand it cannot work as the sort operation is not differentiable. The loss vector needs to be resorted at every iteration because the tail can change with every shares update.
I even rewrote the TVar calculation function to avoid the sorting but the optimizer then fails to converge with reasonable constraints level, or it just ignores them.
If it helps, this is what I would normally do in Python using Scipy
constraints = [
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: tvar_down(x)},
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: tvar_up(x)},