Nominate for the Julia Community Prize

It’s that time of the year again.

Please nominate your favourite Julian for the Julia Community Prize, 2019. The prize will be announced at JuliaCon 2019 in July. Contributions can be in any area - code, packages, documentation, applications, or outreach. Contributions can also be for any time period. Winners will be given a citation and a cash award. Nominations are open till midnight Pacific time on Saturday, the 6th of July.

As last year, the jury consists of Alan Edelman, Curtis Vogt and Tim Holy. The decision of the jury will be final.


Please use the Google form linked in Avik’s post to submit your nominations (i.e. don’t post them here).

This is the announcement of last year’s winners:

Note that previous winners are not eligible this year. (We may eventually allow repeats, but it’s way too early for that in the second year.)

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Can we nominate multiple people (not as groups, just by submitting the form multiple times)?


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Nominations aren’t votes so “ballot stuffing” isn’t an issue. This just generates a list of people to consider.


Thanks everyone for the nominating members of our wonderful community for this years prize. Nominations are now closed, and the committee is deciding on the prize winners. Winners will be announced at JuliaCon in a couple of weeks.


Have the winners been announced?

They were announced on Tuesday night in Baltimore, and publicised on the JuliaCon website, but I’ve now sent a discourse post.