This is an example which is easily solved by Ipopt, but on which NLopt with SLSQP fails.
It is the optimization of a launch trajectory from the Moon surface, where the rocket starts at rest and needs to reach a given altitude with a given tangential velocity.
using InfiniteOpt, Ipopt, HSL_jll, NLopt
using Interpolations
using Printf
# optimizer
opt = NLopt.Optimizer; # change to Ipopt to make it work
# physical constants
mu = 4.9028e12; # Moon standard gravitational parameter [m^3/s^2]
rm = 1737.4e3; # Moon radius [m]
g0 = 9.80665; # sea-level gravity [m/s^2]
Isp = 450.0; # specific impulse [s]
twr = 2.1; # thrust/weight ratio [-]
# scaling parameters
lc = rm; # characteristic length [m]
tc = sqrt(rm^3 / mu); # characteristic time [s]
vc = lc / tc; # characteristic velocity [m/s]
# boundary conditions
r0 = 1.0; # initial radius [-]
θ0 = 0.0; # initial angle [-]
u0 = 0.0; # initial radial velocity [-]
v0 = 0.0; # initial tangential velocity [-]
m0 = 1.0; # initial mass [-]
rf = 1.05; # target radius [-]
uf = 0.0; # target radial velocity [-]
vf = sqrt(1.0 / rf); # target tangential velocity [-]
θfg = π/18.0; # initial guess for final angle [-]
mfg = 0.7; # initial guess for final mass [-]
αsg = [π/3.0, -π/6.0]; # initial guess for thrust direction [-]
# time of flight
tof0 = 0.5; # initial guess for time of flight [s]
N = 30; # number of discrete points [-]
# constants
ṁ = -twr / (Isp * g0 / vc); # mass flow rate [-]
# model
mdl = InfiniteModel(opt);
# optimizer options
if mdl.optimizer_constructor == Ipopt.Optimizer
set_optimizer_attribute(mdl, "hsllib", HSL_jll.libhsl_path);
set_optimizer_attribute(mdl, "tol", 1e-12);
set_optimizer_attribute(mdl, "linear_solver", "ma57");
set_optimizer_attribute(mdl, "print_level", 0);
elseif mdl.optimizer_constructor == NLopt.Optimizer
set_optimizer_attribute(mdl, "algorithm", :LD_SLSQP);
# time of flight discretization
s = [0.0, 1.0]; # pseudo-time interval
@infinite_parameter(mdl, t in s, num_supports=N);
# state and control variables
@variable(mdl, 0.25 <= tof <= 0.75, start=tof0); # time of flight
@variables(mdl, begin
r >= 1.0, Infinite(t) # radial position
θ >= 0.0, Infinite(t) # angular position
u, Infinite(t) # radial velocity
v, Infinite(t) # tangential velocity
m >= 0.0, Infinite(t) # mass
-π/2.0 <= α <= π/2.0, Infinite(t) # thrust direction
# initial guess
set_start_value_function(r, t -> linear_interpolation(s, [r0, rf])(t));
set_start_value_function(θ, t -> linear_interpolation(s, [θ0, θfg])(t));
set_start_value_function(u, t -> linear_interpolation(s, [u0, uf])(t));
set_start_value_function(v, t -> linear_interpolation(s, [v0, vf])(t));
set_start_value_function(m, t -> linear_interpolation(s, [m0, mfg])(t));
set_start_value_function(α, t -> linear_interpolation(s, αsg)(t));
# dynamics
@constraint(mdl, ∂(r, t) == tof * u);
@constraint(mdl, ∂(θ, t) == tof * (v / r));
@constraint(mdl, ∂(u, t) == tof * (-1.0 / r^2 + v^2 / r + twr / m * sin(α)));
@constraint(mdl, ∂(v, t) == tof * (-(u * v) / r + twr / m * cos(α)));
@constraint(mdl, ∂(m, t) == tof * ṁ);
# boundary constraints
@constraint(mdl, r(s[1]) == r0);
@constraint(mdl, θ(s[1]) == θ0);
@constraint(mdl, u(s[1]) == u0);
@constraint(mdl, v(s[1]) == v0);
@constraint(mdl, m(s[1]) == m0);
@constraint(mdl, r(s[2]) == rf);
@constraint(mdl, u(s[2]) == uf);
@constraint(mdl, v(s[2]) == vf);
# objective
@objective(mdl, Min, tof);
# solution
tv = value(t) * value(tof);
rv = value(r);
θv = value(θ);
uv = value(u);
vv = value(v);
mv = value(m);
αv = value(α);
αv[1] = αv[2];
# output
@printf "Time of flight: %.3f s\n" tc * tv[end];
@printf "Final mass: %.3f kg\n" mv[end];
Output with Ipopt
* Solver : Ipopt
* Status
Result count : 1
Termination status : LOCALLY_SOLVED
Message from the solver:
* Candidate solution (result #1)
Primal status : FEASIBLE_POINT
Dual status : FEASIBLE_POINT
Objective value : 4.57374e-01
Dual objective value : 6.46409e-01
* Work counters
Solve time (sec) : 1.23205e+00
Barrier iterations : 11
Time of flight: 473.041 s
Final mass: 0.634 kg
Output with NLopt (it returns the intial guess)
* Solver : NLopt
* Status
Result count : 1
Termination status : OTHER_ERROR
Message from the solver:
* Candidate solution (result #1)
Dual status : NO_SOLUTION
Objective value : 5.00000e-01
* Work counters
Solve time (sec) : 5.93421e-01
Time of flight: 517.128 s
Final mass: 0.700 kg