Nice weird feature on pasting julia> code

Above, in the second command, did you type it or did you paste it?

I tried the same thing. If I type it out, it gives the same error but if I paste it, it removes the julia> string.


win10, running cmd within ConEmu

I pasted it.

It looks like customized prompts work too:

(thermal-model) julia> x = 2

(thermal-model) julia> y = 4

(thermal-model) julia> # copy & paste

(thermal-model) julia> x = 2

(thermal-model) julia> y = 4

Many things can happen in five years heh.

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I think it is turned off in the julia repl code as well.

Might not be what you are looking for but I did a few tests using regular cmd. win10.

The black background is ConEmu while the blue background is the regular cmd.

In ConEmu, inside julia REPL:
the string julia> 2+2 when copied pastes as 2+2 using Ctrl+V

In cmd, inside the julia REPL,
Ctrl+V doesn’t paste anything in the julia REPL Instead I have to use the right click of the mouse & it pastes the entire string julia> 2+2

In cmd prompt by itself
Ctrl+V works and it pastes the string julia>2+2

So perhaps something about the way Julia interacts with regular cmd. Hope this helps.