New To Julia: How to get 2 values from dataset

I have df like this: Capture
How can I get values from “<=50K” and “>50K” of “19-30”, “41-50”. And then i want to make a group bar from 2 values. Anyone can answer me this question. Thank you so much

I would recommend you to read through part of DataFrames’ manual: Working with DataFrames · DataFrames.jl

Also, it will be much easier for others to help you if you have run-able code that can produce toy dataframe, as well as the expect output.

My guess is this is what you’re looking for:

julia> df
10×3 DataFrame
 Row │ income     agerange  count 
     │ Float64    Int64     Int64 
   1 │ 0.672059          1     44
   2 │ 0.0819106         2     91
   3 │ 0.148481          3     50
   4 │ 0.540397          4     74
   5 │ 0.209084          5     24
   6 │ 0.497517          6     61
   7 │ 0.355426          7     37
   8 │ 0.834293          8     90
   9 │ 0.258418          9      8
  10 │ 0.0474276        10     37

julia> df[df.agerange .∈ Ref((1,8)), :]
2×3 DataFrame
 Row │ income    agerange  count 
     │ Float64   Int64     Int64 
   1 │ 0.672059         1     44
   2 │ 0.834293         8     90

julia> sum(df[df.agerange .∈ Ref((1,8)), :count])

thank you so much, in this “income” column, it has 2 kind of values: <=50K, 50K. I just want to take “count” values from them, and these values ∈ same “agerange” values.
Example: agerange : 19-31, Income >50K, count 1391 and
agerange : 19-31, Income <=50K, count 8945.
I want to get these values ​​in general, do you have any
recipe for this
Anyway your code help me so much, thanks

you just need:

df[df.agerange .== "19-31", :count]

, if you don’t care about the Income column.

Again, I highly encourage you to read the manual because these basics mechanism you need to understand if you want to do anything.