← JuliaLang:cjf/line-continuation
opened 08:49PM - 19 Sep 18 UTC
Closes #27533 by adding a line continuation character which is only valid in spa…ce sensitive parsing contexts (see https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/27533#issuecomment-422672161)
I've often wanted a nice way to continue space separated argument lists for macros across multiple lines. Resorting to function call syntax isn't very satisfying because it's quite syntactically different from the usual way that macros look in julia code.
# Valid - space sensitive context
@info "A message which could be rather long" ⤸
a="something more" ⤸
b="another thing"
# Invalid - there should only be one way to do this
x = some_variable ⤸
+ other_variable
# Valid - the current, perfectly good convention for writing this
x = some_variable +