Never done metaprogramming and now I am thinking I have the perfect use case for i

Never done metaprogramming and now I am thinking I have the perfect use case for it. I have code that looks like the following and it’s quite tedious:

    if params.scr_start > 0 
        cbset = CallbackSet(cb_screen)
    if params.npi_start > 0 
        cbset = CallbackSet(cb_npi) 
    if params.scr_start > 0 && params.npi_start > 0 
        cbset = CallbackSet(cb_npi, cb_screen)
    # ... some other combinations 

is there a way that a macro would help me out? Something like @cbset params.scr_start params.npi_start which can then generate the proper variable for me?

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Any drawback to using something like this?

cbset = CallbackSet([cb_scr, cb_npi][[params.scr_start, params.npi_start] .> 0]...)

Or similar using filter().

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