NeuralODE - Array has no field layer


I’m new here and have a question about extrapolating data using neural ordinary differential equations. I am in the process of training a mathematical function in steps of four. Training the neural network seems to work. The parameters of the network are adjusted. However, I am not able to plot a prediction with the trained network.

Here is the code:

using Random, Dates, Optimization, ComponentArrays, Lux, OptimizationOptimisers, DiffEqFlux,
    OrdinaryDiffEq, CSV, DataFrames, Dates, Statistics, Plots, DataDeps
using Flux

#----------------------------------Data Extraction--------------------------------------------------
time = 0:1:15
t = collect(range(extrema(time)..., length=length(time)))
tspan = (Float32.(t[1]), Float32.(t[end]))
#tspan = (Float32.(t_scale[1]), Float32.(t_scale[end]));
data = sin.(t).*exp.(-0.05*t)
plot(t, data)

u0 = [Float32(data[1])];

#-------------------------------Training NN------------------------------------------
function neural_ode(t, data_dim)
    f = Lux.Chain(Lux.Dense(data_dim => 64, swish), Lux.Dense(64 => 32, swish), Lux.Dense(32 => data_dim))

    node = NeuralODE(f, extrema(t), Tsit5(); saveat = t,
        abstol = 1e-9, reltol = 1e-9)

    rng = Random.default_rng()
    p, state = Lux.setup(rng, f)

    return node, ComponentArray(p), state

function train_one_round(node, p, state, y, opt, maxiters, rng, y0 = y[:, 1]; kwargs...)
    predict(p) = Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])
    loss(p) = sum(abs2, predict(p) .- y)

    adtype = Optimization.AutoZygote()
    optf = OptimizationFunction((p, _) -> loss(p), adtype)
    optprob = OptimizationProblem(optf, p)
    res = solve(optprob, opt; maxiters = maxiters, kwargs...)
    res.minimizer, state

function train(t, y, obs_grid, maxiters, lr, rng, p = nothing, state = nothing; kwargs...)
    log_results(ps, losses) = (p, loss) -> begin
        push!(ps, copy(p))
        push!(losses, loss)

    ps, losses = ComponentArray[], Float32[]
    for k in obs_grid
        node, p_new, state_new = neural_ode(t, size(y, 1))
        p === nothing && (p = p_new)
        state === nothing && (state = state_new)

        p, state = train_one_round(node, p, state, y, ADAM(lr), maxiters, rng;
            callback = log_results(ps, losses), kwargs...)
    ps, state, losses

rng = MersenneTwister(123)
obs_grid = 4:4:length(time) # we train on an increasing amount of the first k obs
maxiters = 150
lr = 5e-3
ps, state, losses = train(time, data, obs_grid, maxiters, lr, rng; progress = true)

#-------------------Prediction Part--------------------------------
t_grid = Float32.(collect(range(minimum(time), maximum(time); length = 500)))
predict(y0, t, p, state) = begin
    node, _, _ = neural_ode(t, length(y0))
    Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])

y_pred = predict(u0, t_grid, ps, state)

plot(time, data, label="Originaldaten", xlabel="Zeit", ylabel="Daten", linewidth=2)
plot!(time, y_pred, label="Vorhersagen", linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2)

I’m getting an error at this point:

predict(y0, t, p, state) = begin
    node, _, _ = neural_ode(t, length(y0))
    Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])

y_pred = predict(Float64(data[1]), t_grid, ps, state)

ERROR: type Array has no field layer_1

Does anyone know how i can solve this problem?

It means the parameters you’re passing to the neural network are of type Array and not of type ComponentArray. Track down where the conversion was made or missing.

Thank you for your answer! I forgot to use the last parameter set of the training for the prediction. Here ist the solution:

predict(y0, t, p, state) = begin
    node, _, _ = neural_ode(t, length(y0))
    Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])

y_pred = predict(Float32(data[1]), t_grid, ps[end], state)

Now I’m getting the next error at the same point:
ERROR: DimensionMismatch: second dimension of A, 16, does not match length
of x, 1

Apparently the prediction has a problem with the dimension of the vector “time” but I don’t know why.

I’m not 100% sure what your follow up question is.

Is it possible that the NODE is not able to learn a simple mathematical function?

I tried one code which uses 4 different time series of a weather forecast which means that the network hast 4 inputs of time and 4 outputs (Temperature, Humidity,Velocity, Pressure) of the meteorological aspects. This code works verry well.

using Random, Dates, Optimization, ComponentArrays, Lux, OptimizationOptimisers, DiffEqFlux,
    OrdinaryDiffEq, CSV, DataFrames, Dates, Statistics, Plots, DataDeps

function download_data(data_url = "",
        data_local_path = "./delhi")
    function load(file_name)
        data_dep = DataDep("delhi/train", "", "$data_url/$file_name"), data_local_path; i_accept_the_terms_of_use = true), file_name), DataFrame)

    train_df = load("DailyDelhiClimateTrain.csv")
    test_df = load("DailyDelhiClimateTest.csv")
    return vcat(train_df, test_df)

df = download_data()

#----------------------------------Daten ordnen--------------------------------------------------------------
FEATURES = [:meantemp, :humidity, :wind_speed, :meanpressure]
UNITS = ["Celsius", "g/m³ of water", "km/h", "hPa"]
FEATURE_NAMES = ["Mean temperature", "Humidity", "Wind speed", "Mean pressure"]

function plot_data(df)
    plots = map(enumerate(zip(FEATURES, FEATURE_NAMES, UNITS))) do (i, (f, n, u))
        plot(df[:, :date], df[:, f]; title = n, label = nothing,
            ylabel = u, size = (800, 600), color = i)

    n = length(plots)
    plot(plots...; layout = (Int(n / 2), Int(n / 2)))


#------------------------------Daten standardisieren----------------------------------------
function standardize(x)
    μ = mean(x; dims = 2)
    σ = std(x; dims = 2)
    z = (x .- μ) ./ σ
    return z, μ, σ

function featurize(raw_df, num_train = 20)
    raw_df.year = Float64.(year.(
    raw_df.month = Float64.(month.(
    df = combine(groupby(raw_df, [:year, :month]),
        :date => (d -> mean(year.(d)) .+ mean(month.(d)) ./ 12),
        :meantemp => mean,
        :humidity => mean,
        :wind_speed => mean,
        :meanpressure => mean;
        renamecols = false)
    t_and_y(df) =', Matrix(select(df, FEATURES))'
    t_train, y_train = t_and_y(df[1:num_train, :])
    t_test, y_test = t_and_y(df[(num_train + 1):end, :])
    t_train, t_mean, t_scale = standardize(t_train)
    y_train, y_mean, y_scale = standardize(y_train)
    t_test = (t_test .- t_mean) ./ t_scale
    y_test = (y_test .- y_mean) ./ y_scale

    return (vec(t_train), y_train,
        vec(t_test), y_test,
        (t_mean, t_scale),
        (y_mean, y_scale))

function plot_features(t_train, y_train, t_test, y_test)
    plt_split = plot(reshape(t_train, :), y_train';
        linewidth = 3, colors = 1:4,
        xlabel = "Normalized time",
        ylabel = "Normalized values",
        label = nothing,
        title = "Features")
    plot!(plt_split, reshape(t_test, :), y_test';
        linewidth = 3, linestyle = :dash,
        color = [1 2 3 4], label = nothing)
    plot!(plt_split, [0], [0]; linewidth = 0,
        label = "Train", color = 1)
    plot!(plt_split, [0], [0]; linewidth = 0,
        linestyle = :dash, label = "Test",
        color = 1,
        ylims = (-5, 5))

t_train, y_train, t_test, y_test, (t_mean, t_scale), (y_mean, y_scale) = featurize(df)
plot_features(t_train, y_train, t_test, y_test)

#-------------------------------Training des NN------------------------------------------
function neural_ode(t, data_dim)
    f = Lux.Chain(Lux.Dense(data_dim => 64, swish), Lux.Dense(64 => 32, swish), Lux.Dense(32 => data_dim))

    node = NeuralODE(f, extrema(t), Tsit5(); saveat = t,
        abstol = 1e-9, reltol = 1e-9)

    rng = Random.default_rng()
    p, state = Lux.setup(rng, f)

    return node, ComponentArray(p), state

function train_one_round(node, p, state, y, opt, maxiters, rng, y0 = y[:, 1]; kwargs...)
    predict(p) = Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])
    loss(p) = sum(abs2, predict(p) .- y)

    adtype = Optimization.AutoZygote()
    optf = OptimizationFunction((p, _) -> loss(p), adtype)
    optprob = OptimizationProblem(optf, p)
    res = solve(optprob, opt; maxiters = maxiters, kwargs...)
    res.minimizer, state

function train(t, y, obs_grid, maxiters, lr, rng, p = nothing, state = nothing; kwargs...)
    log_results(ps, losses) = (p, loss) -> begin
        push!(ps, copy(p))
        push!(losses, loss)

    ps, losses = ComponentArray[], Float32[]
    for k in obs_grid
        node, p_new, state_new = neural_ode(t, size(y, 1))
        p === nothing && (p = p_new)                #Löscht Eintrag von p, nimmt jedoch p für train_one_round
        state === nothing && (state = state_new)

        p, state = train_one_round(node, p, state, y, ADAM(lr), maxiters, rng;
            callback = log_results(ps, losses), kwargs...)
    ps, state, losses

rng = MersenneTwister(123)
obs_grid = 4:4:length(t_train) # we train on an increasing amount of the first k obs
maxiters = 150
lr = 5e-3
ps, state, losses = train(t_train, y_train, obs_grid, maxiters, lr, rng; progress = true)

#------------------------------Prediction Part-------------------------------------------
predict(y0, t, p, state) = begin
    node, _, _ = neural_ode(t, length(y0))
    Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])

node, _, _ = neural_ode(t, length(y_train[:, 1]))
y_pred = Array(node(y_train[:, 1], ps[end], state)[1])

t_grid = collect(range(minimum(t_train), maximum(t_test); length = 500))
y_pred = predict(y_train[:, 1], t_grid, ps[end], state)

plot(t_grid, y_pred[1,:], label = "Prediction")
plot!(t_train, y_train[1,:], label = "Data")


Then I reduced the Inputs and Outputs to 1 (Only Temperature) and trained again. Now it does’nt work anymore.

using Random, Dates, Optimization, ComponentArrays, Lux, OptimizationOptimisers, DiffEqFlux,
    OrdinaryDiffEq, CSV, DataFrames, Dates, Statistics, Plots, DataDeps

function download_data(data_url = "",
        data_local_path = "./delhi")
    function load(file_name)
        data_dep = DataDep("delhi/train", "", "$data_url/$file_name"), data_local_path; i_accept_the_terms_of_use = true), file_name), DataFrame)

    train_df = load("DailyDelhiClimateTrain.csv")
    test_df = load("DailyDelhiClimateTest.csv")
    return vcat(train_df, test_df)

df = download_data()

#----------------------------------Daten ordnen--------------------------------------------------------------
FEATURES = [:meantemp, :humidity, :wind_speed, :meanpressure]
UNITS = ["Celsius", "g/m³ of water", "km/h", "hPa"]
FEATURE_NAMES = ["Mean temperature", "Humidity", "Wind speed", "Mean pressure"]

function plot_data(df)
    plots = map(enumerate(zip(FEATURES, FEATURE_NAMES, UNITS))) do (i, (f, n, u))
        plot(df[:, :date], df[:, f]; title = n, label = nothing,
            ylabel = u, size = (800, 600), color = i)

    n = length(plots)
    plot(plots...; layout = (Int(n / 2), Int(n / 2)))


#------------------------------Daten standardisieren----------------------------------------
function standardize(x)
    μ = mean(x; dims = 2)
    σ = std(x; dims = 2)
    z = (x .- μ) ./ σ
    return z, μ, σ

function featurize(raw_df, num_train = 20)
    raw_df.year = Float64.(year.(
    raw_df.month = Float64.(month.(
    df = combine(groupby(raw_df, [:year, :month]),
        :date => (d -> mean(year.(d)) .+ mean(month.(d)) ./ 12),
        :meantemp => mean,
        :humidity => mean,
        :wind_speed => mean,
        :meanpressure => mean;
        renamecols = false)
    t_and_y(df) =', Matrix(select(df, FEATURES))'
    t_train, y_train = t_and_y(df[1:num_train, :])
    t_test, y_test = t_and_y(df[(num_train + 1):end, :])
    t_train, t_mean, t_scale = standardize(t_train)
    y_train, y_mean, y_scale = standardize(y_train)
    t_test = (t_test .- t_mean) ./ t_scale
    y_test = (y_test .- y_mean) ./ y_scale

    return (vec(t_train), y_train,
        vec(t_test), y_test,
        (t_mean, t_scale),
        (y_mean, y_scale))

function plot_features(t_train, y_train, t_test, y_test)
    plt_split = plot(reshape(t_train, :), y_train';
        linewidth = 3, colors = 1:4,
        xlabel = "Normalized time",
        ylabel = "Normalized values",
        label = nothing,
        title = "Features")
    plot!(plt_split, reshape(t_test, :), y_test';
        linewidth = 3, linestyle = :dash,
        color = [1 2 3 4], label = nothing)
    plot!(plt_split, [0], [0]; linewidth = 0,
        label = "Train", color = 1)
    plot!(plt_split, [0], [0]; linewidth = 0,
        linestyle = :dash, label = "Test",
        color = 1,
        ylims = (-5, 5))

t_train, y_train, t_test, y_test, (t_mean, t_scale), (y_mean, y_scale) = featurize(df)
plot_features(t_train, y_train, t_test, y_test)

plot(t_train, y_train[1,:])

#-------------------------------Training des NN------------------------------------------
function neural_ode(t, data_dim)
    f = Lux.Chain(Lux.Dense(data_dim => 64, swish), Lux.Dense(64 => 32, swish), Lux.Dense(32 => data_dim))

    node = NeuralODE(f, extrema(t), Tsit5(); saveat = t,
        abstol = 1e-9, reltol = 1e-9)

    rng = Random.default_rng()
    p, state = Lux.setup(rng, f)

    return node, ComponentArray(p), state

function train_one_round(node, p, state, y, opt, maxiters, rng, y0 = [y[1, 1]]; kwargs...)
    predict(p) = Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])
    loss(p) = sum(abs2, predict(p) .- y)

    adtype = Optimization.AutoZygote()
    optf = OptimizationFunction((p, _) -> loss(p), adtype)
    optprob = OptimizationProblem(optf, p)
    res = solve(optprob, opt; maxiters = maxiters, kwargs...)
    res.minimizer, state

function train(t, y, obs_grid, maxiters, lr, rng, p = nothing, state = nothing; kwargs...)
    log_results(ps, losses) = (p, loss) -> begin
        push!(ps, copy(p))
        push!(losses, loss)

    ps, losses = ComponentArray[], Float32[]
    for k in obs_grid
        node, p_new, state_new = neural_ode(t, size(y[1,1], 1))
        p === nothing && (p = p_new)                #Löscht Eintrag von p, nimmt jedoch p für train_one_round
        state === nothing && (state = state_new)

        p, state = train_one_round(node, p, state, y, ADAM(lr), maxiters, rng;
            callback = log_results(ps, losses), kwargs...)
    ps, state, losses

rng = MersenneTwister(123)
obs_grid = 4:4:length(t_train) # we train on an increasing amount of the first k obs
maxiters = 150
lr = 5e-3
ps, state, losses = train(t_train, y_train[1,:], obs_grid, maxiters, lr, rng; progress = true)

#--------------------------------Prediction Part------------------------------------------
predict(y0, t, p, state) = begin
    node, _, _ = neural_ode(t, length(y0))
    Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])

t_grid = collect(range(minimum(t_train), maximum(t_train); length = 500))
y_pred = predict([y_train[1, 1]], t_grid, ps[end], state)

plot(t_grid, y_pred[1,:], label = "Prediction")
plot!(t_train, y_train[1,:], label = "Data")


Does the network need the connections between the 4 meteorological aspects in order to learn the course of a single aspect? I know this is a difficult question but maybe someone knows an answer.

Ok sorry for the spam but now i got the solution. It seems to me that the network needs to be connectet with two inputs (time) and two outputs (mathematical function, time) to find a correlation. Now it works.

using Random, Dates, Optimization, ComponentArrays, Lux, OptimizationOptimisers, DiffEqFlux,
    OrdinaryDiffEq, CSV, DataFrames, Dates, Statistics, Plots, DataDeps
using Flux

time = 0:1:11
t = collect(range(extrema(time)..., length=length(time)))
tspan = (Float32.(t[1]), Float32.(t[end]))
y = exp.(0.05*t).*sin.(t)
data = hcat(y, t)'

u0 = [Float32(data[1])];

#-------------------------------Training des NN------------------------------------------
function neural_ode(t, data_dim)
    f = Lux.Chain(Lux.Dense(data_dim => 32, swish), Lux.Dense(32 => 20, swish), Lux.Dense(20 => data_dim))

    node = NeuralODE(f, extrema(t), Tsit5(); saveat = t,
        abstol = 1e-9, reltol = 1e-9)

    rng = Random.default_rng()
    p, state = Lux.setup(rng, f)

    return node, ComponentArray(p), state

function train_one_round(node, p, state, y, opt, maxiters, rng, y0 = y[:, 1]; kwargs...)
    predict(p) = Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])
    loss(p) = sum(abs2, predict(p) .- y)

    adtype = Optimization.AutoZygote()
    optf = OptimizationFunction((p, _) -> loss(p), adtype)
    optprob = OptimizationProblem(optf, p)
    res = solve(optprob, opt; maxiters = maxiters, kwargs...)
    res.minimizer, state

function train(t, y, obs_grid, maxiters, lr, rng, p = nothing, state = nothing; kwargs...)
    log_results(ps, losses) = (p, loss) -> begin
        push!(ps, copy(p))
        push!(losses, loss)

    ps, losses = ComponentArray[], Float32[]
    for k in obs_grid
        node, p_new, state_new = neural_ode(t, size(y, 1))
        p === nothing && (p = p_new)
        state === nothing && (state = state_new)

        p, state = train_one_round(node, p, state, y, ADAM(lr), maxiters, rng;
            callback = log_results(ps, losses), kwargs...)
    ps, state, losses

rng = MersenneTwister(123)
obs_grid = 4:4:length(time) # we train on an increasing amount of the first k obs
maxiters = 500
lr = 5e-3
ps, state, losses = train(time, data, obs_grid, maxiters, lr, rng; progress = true)

plot(losses, yaxis = :log)

#-------------------Prediction Part--------------------------------

predict(y0, t, p, state) = begin
    node, _, _ = neural_ode(t, length(y0))
    Array(node(y0, p, state)[1])

t_grid = Float32.(collect(range(minimum(time), maximum(time); length = 500)))
y_pred = predict(data[:,1], t_grid, ps[end], state)

plot(time, data[1,:], label="Data", xlabel="time", ylabel="data", linewidth=2)
plot!(t_grid, y_pred[1,:], label="Prediction", linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2)
