I get some warnings when I include one public file in several other files in a same package. It is straightforward to include the public file which defines some common functions. The code is as follows.
# ./src/test_redefine.jl
module test_redefine
export Dog, my_add
include("utils.jl") #include utils.jl the first time
end # module
# ./src/dog.jl
include("utils.jl") #include utils.jl the second time
struct Dog
# ./src/utils.jl
function my_add(a, b)
println(a, b)
in the test file
using test_redefine
Warning is as follows,
WARNING: Method definition my_add(Any, Any) in module test_redefine at /Users/zhangliye/code/test_redefine/src/utils.jl:2 overwritten at /Users/zhangliye/code/test_redefine/src/utils.jl:2.
Testing test_redefine tests passed
In c/c++, it is very straightforward to define some command functions in a public file and include it in the files using it.
Julia version,
Julia Version 1.1.0
Commit 80516ca202 (2019-01-21 21:24 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8500 CPU @ 3.00GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
The problem stems from exporting my_add from inside the module test_redefine back to Main.
When you include utils.jl in Main for the second time, it conflicts with the exported my_add.
Since both versions of my_add are the same, deleting the export should do the trick.
Thank you so much for your response. I know the reason for this. I think this is very straightforward to include the public file in all files using it. Why Julia still give the warning? In C++/C we include the head file in files using it, and when compile the code only one function is defined. I want to know if Julia can do the same or just do not give the warning if the source file and function are the same.
You should not need to include the same file multiple times in Julia, so the answer to your question is “don’t do that”. This is an important difference between the way Julia and C++ are used. Instead, you can do:
module A
using .B
module C
using ..B
Where B.jl looks like:
module B
The using ..B line lets you load the B module from A inside C without having to include it twice.
Thank you so much! It can be solved by put the file into one module. However, the code look not so clean. The two version comparison is as follows,
Version 1: Put the file into one module
# file1: ./src/test_redefine.jl
module test_redefine
export Dog, my_add
using .utils # one more code here
end # module
# file2: ./src/dog.jl
using .utils # changed to us module, the user should pay attention the definition order, `utils` must defined ahead
struct Dog
# file3: ./src/utils.jl
module utils # one more line code here
export my_add # one more code here
function my_add(a, b)
println("my_add ", a, b)
end # one more code here
Version 2: Just do as in C++/C, include the public head file. The code is more cleaner and more straightforward.
# file1: ./src/test_redefine.jl
module test_redefine
export Dog, my_add
include("utils.jl") #include utils.jl the first time
end # module
# file2: ./src/dog.jl
include("utils.jl") #include utils.jl the second time
struct Dog
# file3: ./src/utils.jl
function my_add(a, b)
println(a, b)
Your second way is cleaner. However, I do not think you need to include("utils.jl") twice. I prefer modify your first way to
# file1: ./src/test_redefine.jl
module test_redefine
using Reexport: @reexport # @reexport does what you do `export my_add` there
@reexport using .utils
end # module
Is it really unclean? I think it is pretty good.
# file2: ./src/dog.jl
using .utils # changed to us module, the user should pay attention the definition order, `utils` must defined ahead
export Dog # I prefer to export each type/method at the places where it is defined
struct Dog
The downside is, you cannot run this file directly. Every time you have to using .test_redefine, then Dog is loaded. I think this is the “correct” way when you are writing a package.
# file3: ./src/utils.jl
module utils # one more line code here
export my_add # one more code here
function my_add(a, b)
println("my_add ", a, b)
end # one more code here
I don’t see anything wrong with including a simple file that just contains some constants multiple times. Am I missing any issues this could generate?
As for the reexport solution: I find it a bit complicated for the use case here. The way I understand it, @zhangliye just wants to export a single object from utils.jl. So why not simply:
module test_redefine
export my_add
end # module
If you really want to stick with your original code structure, you can get rid of the warnings by just not exporting my_add twice, i.e., by not exporting it from test_redefine.
It’s definitely not recommended in Julia. Any types or functions defined in that file will be defined twice, and those two definitions will be completely different, despite having the same name. This can lead to confusing situations. For some examples of real-world problems caused by multiple includes, see:
When the project is large, there are too many warnings as follows.
Yes, these warnings are important, and they are trying to tell you that by calling include() on the same file multiple times you are re-defining the same function over and over, which is at best wasteful and at worst can lead to problems like Trouble importing a module that depends on another globally imported module