I want to prepare a example but aren’t able to create it. Can someone help me
julia> struct ModInt{N <: Integer} <: Integer
ModInt{N}(k::Integer) where {N <: Integer} = new(mod(k,N))
julia> ModInt{2}(1)
ERROR: TypeError: in ModInt, in N, expected N<:Integer, got a value of type Int64
[1] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
Thank you!
You cannot place a type annotation on a field that will be a value/object (2 is a value, not a type).
First consider whether it makes sense to have ModInt
have a unique type for each mod that it’s doing (I assume that’s what it’s for). The answer of course is that it makes no sense at all and you should just have a second field with the N
But if this is just an exercise in values-as-parameters, the way to handle this is to remove the type annotation, and use an inner constructor that checks if N
is an integer.
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I want to replicate this example:
That’s a VERY old video. Keep in mind julia 0.3 was out in 2014, and this is year older than even that! I suggest referring to the julia manual as an up to date resource (it features a section on parametric types, of course).
Also note that in the video, there was no type annotation on n
. That is, in the definition line, simply: struct ModInt{N} <: Integer
was used.
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julia> struct ModInt{N} <: Integer
ModInt{N}(k::Integer) where {N} = new(mod(k,N))
julia> ModInt{2}(1)
julia> ModInt{2.1}(1)
This works but I want to restrict the N
to only be Int
You can do that in the inner constructor:
julia> struct ModInt{N} <: Integer
ModInt{N}(k::Integer) where N = N isa Integer ? new(mod(k,N)) : error("helpful error")
By the way, Integer
is an abstract type, so code for ModInt
will be poorly optimized. Use