Need a function similar to python struct.unpack

Hello everybody.
I need to read binary file from a specific module (HydraHarp) which comes with python and matlab codes for decoding the file.

The python code uses extensively the struct.unapck functions. For example:

tyEmpty8 = struct.unpack(“>i”, bytes.fromhex(“FFFF0008”))[0]

For reference, this will yield the value: -65528

This is equivalent to the MatLab code:

tyEmpty8 = hex2dec(‘FFFF0008’);

I need a similar conversion in Julia (I am using 1.9.1 in a MacOs with ARM processor) and I have been unable to reproduce the value using several approaches (including PyCall). Any help would be very welcoed!

I’m confused. Is the hex in a string or is it binary in a file. Here’s the literal function starting from a string.

julia> fromhex(hex) = first(reinterpret(Int32, [parse(UInt32, "0x"*hex)]))
fromhex (generic function with 1 method)

julia> fromhex("FFFF0008")

I got a feeling that this is not what you want.

You probably want something that is more like this.

julia> write("test.bin", 0xFFFF0008)

julia> read("test.bin", Int32)

In the above case, the file “test.bin” contains 4 bytes in little endian order.

julia> read("test.bin")
4-element Vector{UInt8}:

The above bytes are in little endian order. 08 comes first, and FF comes last. It seems like you need this to be read in big endian order.

julia> write("test.bin", hton(0xFFFF0008))

julia> read("test.bin")
4-element Vector{UInt8}:

julia> ntoh(read("test.bin", Int32))

Now 0xFF comes first, and 0x08 comes last.

reinterpret(Int32, hex2bytes("FFFF0008")) .|> hton

Output this:

1-element Vector{Int32}:

This only works for unpacking single datatype.

Thanks a lot for your explanations! Actually I had both type of problems, some data are “hard wire” in the code (e.g, tyEmpty8 = struct.unpack(“>i”, bytes.fromhex(“FFFF0008”))[0]) and some data are read from the input file (e.g, tagInt = struct.unpack(“<q”,[0]), I think your explanations cover both cases. Again, thanks a lot

Another relevant post on SO. Looks very similar to @mkitti’s answer.

Also this post on Julia Bloggers.

Using GitHub - analytech-solutions/CBinding.jl: Automatic C interfacing for Julia should be very easy for such things as you can define the structure in C code directly.

This seems a bit redundant, why not

fromhex(hex) = reinterpret(Int32, parse(UInt32, "0x"*hex))


You can avoid the string creation by manually specifying the base

fromhex(hex) = reinterpret(Int32, parse(UInt32, hex; base=16))

There’s also

fromhex(hex) = parse(UInt32, hex; base=16) % Int32

though I’m not 100% certain it’s exactly the same (on my phone here).

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julia> hex2bytes("FFFF0008")
4-element Vector{UInt8}:

julia> hex2bytes("FFFF008") # <- valid number
ERROR: ArgumentError: length of iterable must be even

What would be the advantage of doing this in C?

I got curious enough about this that I started to implement the Python struct library in Julia.

(@v1.9) pkg> activate --temp
  Activating new project at `/tmp/jl_DFEY1E`

(jl_DFEY1E) pkg> add
    Updating git-repo ``
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `/tmp/jl_DFEY1E/Project.toml`
  [ac2a11db] + PythonStructs v1.0.0-DEV ``
    Updating `/tmp/jl_DFEY1E/Manifest.toml`
  [ac2a11db] + PythonStructs v1.0.0-DEV ``

julia> using PythonStructs

julia> unpack(">i", hex2bytes("FFFF0008"))[begin]

julia> unpack("<i", hex2bytes("FFFF0008"))[begin]

julia> unpack(">I", hex2bytes("FFFF0008"))[begin]

julia> hex2bytes("FFFF0008") |> unpack(">l") |> first

Also see the initial documentation.


Thanks a lot, this is really useful. The python library provides useful tools for binary data manipulation that are not obvious in Julia. I will go ahead and use your functions in my application

I have implemented the functions of your package in my code and they work just right. Thanks a lot.

juan jose gomez cadenas

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