Sorry for the rookie question
I am trying to find a way to name constraints inside a loop
I understand that it is common to define a constraint with the base name inside the @constraint
below is the MWE
using JuMP
m = Model()
hours = 1:6
areas = [:a, :b, :c]
techs = [:x, :y, :z]
# investment and production variables
@variables m begin
investment[area in areas, tech in techs]
production[area in areas, tech in techs, hour in hours]
# hourly demand balance
@constraint(m, hourly_production[area in areas, hour in hours],
sum(production[area, tech, hour] for tech in techs) β€ 5
that produces the following constraint:
2-dimensional DenseAxisArray{ConstraintRef{Model, MathOptInterface.ConstraintIndex{MathOptInterface.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}, MathOptInterface.LessThan{Float64}}, ScalarShape},2,...} with index sets:
Dimension 1, [:a, :b, :c]
Dimension 2, 1:6
And data, a 3Γ6 Matrix{ConstraintRef{Model, MathOptInterface.ConstraintIndex{MathOptInterface.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}, MathOptInterface.LessThan{Float64}}, ScalarShape}}:
hourly_production[a,1] : production[a,x,1] + production[a,y,1] + production[a,z,1] <= 5 β¦ hourly_production[a,6] : production[a,x,6] + production[a,y,6] + production[a,z,6] <= 5
hourly_production[b,1] : production[b,x,1] + production[b,y,1] + production[b,z,1] <= 5 hourly_production[b,6] : production[b,x,6] + production[b,y,6] + production[b,z,6] <= 5
hourly_production[c,1] : production[c,x,1] + production[c,y,1] + production[c,z,1] <= 5 hourly_production[c,6] : production[c,x,6] + production[c,y,6] + production[c,z,6] <= 5
and register the name in the model when I call m
julia> m
A JuMP Model
β solver: none
β objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
β num_variables: 63
β num_constraints: 18
β β AffExpr in MOI.LessThan{Float64}: 18
β Names registered in the model
β :hourly_production, :investment, :production
Now I am trying to create the same constraint but inside a loop, which is applicable to my actual much larger model
for area in areas
for hour in hours
@constraint(m, hourly_production[area in areas, hour in hours],
sum(production[area, tech, hour] for tech in techs) β€ 5
but returns this error, which is understandable
ERROR: An object of name hourly_production is already attached to this model. If this
is intended, consider using the anonymous construction syntax, for example,
`x = @variable(model, [1:N], ...)` where the name of the object does
not appear inside the macro.
interestingly, with print(m)
, these constraints are made
julia> print(m)
Subject to
hourly_production[a,1] : production[a,x,1] + production[a,y,1] + production[a,z,1] <= 5
hourly_production[b,1] : production[b,x,1] + production[b,y,1] + production[b,z,1] <= 5
hourly_production[c,1] : production[c,x,1] + production[c,y,1] + production[c,z,1] <= 5
hourly_production[a,2] : production[a,x,2] + production[a,y,2] + production[a,z,2] <= 5
hourly_production[b,2] : production[b,x,2] + production[b,y,2] + production[b,z,2] <= 5
hourly_production[c,2] : production[c,x,2] + production[c,y,2] + production[c,z,2] <= 5
hourly_production[a,3] : production[a,x,3] + production[a,y,3] + production[a,z,3] <= 5
hourly_production[b,3] : production[b,x,3] + production[b,y,3] + production[b,z,3] <= 5
hourly_production[c,3] : production[c,x,3] + production[c,y,3] + production[c,z,3] <= 5
hourly_production[a,4] : production[a,x,4] + production[a,y,4] + production[a,z,4] <= 5
hourly_production[b,4] : production[b,x,4] + production[b,y,4] + production[b,z,4] <= 5
hourly_production[c,4] : production[c,x,4] + production[c,y,4] + production[c,z,4] <= 5
hourly_production[a,5] : production[a,x,5] + production[a,y,5] + production[a,z,5] <= 5
hourly_production[b,5] : production[b,x,5] + production[b,y,5] + production[b,z,5] <= 5
hourly_production[c,5] : production[c,x,5] + production[c,y,5] + production[c,z,5] <= 5
hourly_production[a,6] : production[a,x,6] + production[a,y,6] + production[a,z,6] <= 5
hourly_production[b,6] : production[b,x,6] + production[b,y,6] + production[b,z,6] <= 5
hourly_production[c,6] : production[c,x,6] + production[c,y,6] + production[c,z,6] <= 5
also registered if I call m
julia> m
A JuMP Model
β solver: none
β objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
β num_variables: 63
β num_constraints: 18
β β AffExpr in MOI.LessThan{Float64}: 18
β Names registered in the model
β :hourly_production, :investment, :production
which is similar to the ones produced using the previous syntax but with the error.
if I use base_name
for area in areas
for hour in hours
@constraint(m, [area in areas, hour in hours],
sum(production[area, tech, hour] for tech in techs) β€ 5,
base_name = "hourly_production"
then there is no error, but the generated constraints are much more than it is needed
Is this behaviour intended? I mean the constraints are registered, it is just the error that prevents it from progressing
Should I define each constraint constructor before the loop and then fill it in the loop?
The documentation Constraint names has no example of such naming in a loop
My intention is that I want to name all my constraints so that I can investigate the shadow prices
Thanks very much in advance!!