Are NamedTuples with keys which are not valid variable names allowed? eg
julia> NamedTuple{(Symbol("1"), )}(19)
(1 = 19,)
they seem to work in 1.*, so possibly yes, but I am wondering if it is OK to rely on this.
Is there an easier syntax for them than the above?
I am asking because I am working on a package that would return column data with an iterator that yields NamedTuples, and it would be awkward not to handle weird column names.
Just to clarify, the question is not about whether this is convenient, as it isn’t. I am asking whether it is part of the design, or just works accidentally.
Thanks, but they are not binary blobs but columns names (eg the first row in a CSV file). I think that in this context it is fair to say that if someone wants to put a \0 in a variable name, they should reflect on the wisdom of this choice.