Hello everyone,
All my code isn’t working anymore since today, with the following simple MWE:
x = NamedArray([0,4,5],["a","b","c"])
Now output’s:
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed
[1] _empty_reduce_error()
@ Base .\reduce.jl:301
[2] reduce_empty(op::Function, #unused#::Type{Int64})
@ Base .\reduce.jl:311
[3] mapreduce_empty(#unused#::typeof(identity), op::Function, T::Type)
@ Base .\reduce.jl:345
[4] reduce_empty(op::Base.MappingRF{typeof(identity), typeof(max)}, #unused#::Type{Int64})
@ Base .\reduce.jl:331
[5] reduce_empty_iter
@ .\reduce.jl:357 [inlined]
[6] mapreduce_empty_iter(f::Function, op::Function, itr::Vector{Int64}, ItrEltype::Base.HasEltype)
@ Base .\reduce.jl:353
[7] _mapreduce
@ .\reduce.jl:402 [inlined]
[8] _mapreduce_dim
@ .\reducedim.jl:330 [inlined]
[9] #mapreduce#725
@ .\reducedim.jl:322 [inlined]
[10] mapreduce
@ .\reducedim.jl:322 [inlined]
[11] #_maximum#743
@ .\reducedim.jl:894 [inlined]
[12] _maximum
@ .\reducedim.jl:894 [inlined]
[13] #_maximum#742
@ .\reducedim.jl:893 [inlined]
[14] _maximum
@ .\reducedim.jl:893 [inlined]
[15] #maximum#740
@ .\reducedim.jl:889 [inlined]
[16] maximum
@ .\reducedim.jl:889 [inlined]
[17] show(io::IOContext{Base.TTY}, v::NamedVector{Int64, Vector{Int64}, Tuple{OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, Int64}}}, maxnrow::Int64)
@ NamedArrays C:\Users\tlorans\.julia\packages\NamedArrays\TuJLn\src\show.jl:203
[18] show(io::IOContext{Base.TTY}, v::NamedVector{Int64, Vector{Int64}, Tuple{OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, Int64}}})
@ NamedArrays C:\Users\tlorans\.julia\packages\NamedArrays\TuJLn\src\show.jl:73
[19] show(io::IOContext{Base.TTY}, #unused#::MIME{Symbol("text/plain")}, n::NamedVector{Int64, Vector{Int64}, Tuple{OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, Int64}}})
@ NamedArrays C:\Users\tlorans\.julia\packages\NamedArrays\TuJLn\src\show.jl:24
BUT, the data exists:
sum(x .+ 1)
will gives:
I suspect this is coming from uncompatility between packages, but nothing appeared regarding potential compilation erros.
My Pkg st is:
[a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.3.2
[31c24e10] Distributions v0.24.18
[38e38edf] GLM v1.6.1
[4076af6c] JuMP v0.23.2
[e4e893b0] Mimi v1.4.0
[b3ba11de] MimiFUND v3.13.0
[86f7a689] NamedArrays v0.9.6
[91a5bcdd] Plots v1.26.0
[c3e4b0f8] Pluto v0.18.1
[7f904dfe] PlutoUI v0.7.23
[92933f4c] ProgressMeter v1.7.1
[c6596682] QuantileRegressions v0.1.10
[1463e38c] StatFiles v0.8.0
[2913bbd2] StatsBase v0.33.16
[f3b207a7] StatsPlots v0.14.33
[fdbf4ff8] XLSX v0.7.9
Anyone has an idea about the source of the issue please?