Named Capture Group to create new columns

How do I create new columns from matches from a named capture group?

df = DataFrame(time = ["twelve:nine", "one:five"])
rx = r"(?<hour>[a-z]*):(?<minute>[a-z]*)"

2×1 DataFrame
 Row │ time        
     │ String      
   1 │ twelve:nine
   2 │ one:three

I want to create:

2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ hour     minute        
     │ String   String
   1 │ twelve nine
   2 │ one    three

Something like the following does not work:

select(df, :time => ByRow(x -> match(rx, x).captures) => AsTable)

Couldn’t you rename the dataframe and optionally convert the SubStrings to Strings?

df2 = select(df, :time => ByRow(x -> match(rx, x).captures) => AsTable)
rename!(df2, [:hour, :minute])
df2[!,1:2] = convert.(String, df2[!,1:2])

2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ hour    minute 
     │ String  String 
   1 │ twelve  nine
   2 │ one     five

Here is the code to create a Tables.jl table (compatible with DataFrames)
With columns based on regex named captures.

Not sure if that is useful to you.

Yes, renaming works. If I did use the named captures, renaming seems redundant.

Thanks. Will check that out.