Is there some control flow construct which would allow returning from an enclosing block instead of the current function? I am thinking of something similar to COMMON-LISP:RETURN-FROM. For example, it would be useful in early termination, eg in
function matched_positions(keys, argnames)
positions = [findfirst(keys, key) for key in argnames]
any(positions .== 0) ? false : positions
which could be rewritten as
function matched_positions(keys, argnames)
function _find(keys, key)
p = findfirst(keys, key)
p == 0 ? return_from matched_positions false : p # hypothetical
[_find(keys, key) for key in argnames]
I have seen a @goto in Base, so I could probably emulate it, but I am wondering if this is a good idea.
I know that this isn’t really what you’re asking for, but any and all now always short-circuit on their own on master.
This kind of behavior is a surprising non-local effect that Julia has typically steered clear from. I think that you’d be surprised by the result even in your toy example if this were implemented. I think it’d end up returning an array of length length(argnames)… but with uninitialized gibberish for trailing indices beyond the short-circuit.
function matched_positions(keys, args)
return [begin
p = findfirst(keys, arg)
if p == 0 @goto nm end
for arg in args]
@label skip
return nothing
Sorry, I can’t figure out how that would help me. I find that
function findfirst_allornothing(A, B)
positions = similar(B, Int)
for (index, b) in enumerate(B)
p = findfirst(A, b)
p == 0 && return nothing
positions[index] = p