Below is a simple program to integrate acceleration and velocity via Forward Euler. I received an error message (below) that vel
is undefined; I can’t figure out what is causing this. The program is OK if I initialize all the scalars inside the
block. I assume that the problem is caused by some subtle interaction of scoping rules, but it would be great if someone could spell it out.
module pushsq_direct
const load_table = [
0.00E+00 -2.041201359
5.00E-07 -1.661441147
1.00E-06 -0.311829107]
h = .02
w = .02
d = 1.
density = 1180.
totalmass = density / (h*w*d)
vel = 0.
pos = 0.
open("pushsq_direct.out", "w") do hnd
for tind = 2 : size(load_table,1)
deltat = load_table[tind,1] - load_table[tind-1,1]
pressure = load_table[tind,2]*1e6
force = pressure * h * d
acc = force / totalmass
vel += acc * deltat
pos += vel * deltat
println(hnd, "t = ", load_table[tind,1], " vel = ", vel, " pos = ", pos)
Error message (Julia 0.6.1, Windows 10)
julia> include("pushsq_direct_mini.jl")
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: vel not defined
[1] (::pushsq_direct.##1#2)(::IOStream) at C:\Users\vavasis\ownCloud\Documents\Katerina\cohesive\conic_jl\pushsq_direct_mini.jl:21
[2] open(::pushsq_direct.##1#2, ::String, ::String) at .\iostream.jl:152
[3] include_from_node1(::String) at .\loading.jl:576
[4] include(::String) at .\sysimg.jl:14
while loading C:\Users\vavasis\ownCloud\Documents\Katerina\cohesive\conic_jl\pushsq_direct_mini.jl, in expression starting on line 15