Mutating function plot in Makie, and plotting 2 data sets on the same figure


I am trying to plot 2 histograms in the same figure using Makie,

f, ax1, h1 = hist(df1[:, “AF”])
h2 = hist!(ax1, df2[:, “AF”])

TypeError: non-boolean (Missing) used in boolean context

However, this codes work

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

f2, ax, l1 = lines(x, sin)
l2 = lines!(ax, x, cos)

I don’t understand why my code doesn’t work. I plot an histogram then I use the ! to tell it to add the second serie on the same figure. Why is it looking for a boolean?

Thank you

This works fine for me:

julia> using CairoMakie

julia> f, ax1, h1 = hist(rand(100))

julia> hist!(ax1, 2*rand(100))
Combined{Makie.hist, Tuple{Vector{Float64}}}

julia> f

and shows the importance to create minimum working examples for errors that you want help with - what is df1[:, "AF"]? What is the actual stacktrace you are getting?

Sorry I assumed it was a stupid syntax error on my part, here is the stack trace

  1. pick_hist_edges(::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}, ::Int64)@hist.jl:146
  2. map#136@scenes.jl:185 [inlined]
  3. map(::typeof(Makie.pick_hist_edges), ::MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist, Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}}, ::Observables.Observable{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}, ::Observables.Observable{Any})@scenes.jl:182
  4. plot!(::MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist, Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}})@hist.jl:163
  5. plot!(::Makie.Scene, ::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist, Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}}}, ::MakieCore.Attributes, ::Tuple{Observables.Observable{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}}, ::Observables.Observable{Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}})@interfaces.jl:398
  6. var"plot!#192"(::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(MakieCore.plot!), ::Makie.Scene, ::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist}}, ::MakieCore.Attributes, ::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}})@interfaces.jl:310
  7. plot!@interfaces.jl:275 [inlined]
  8. var"plot#2000"(::NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}, ::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(MakieCore.plot), ::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist}}, ::GridLayoutBase.GridPosition, ::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}})@figureplotting.jl:98
  9. plot(::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist}}, ::GridLayoutBase.GridPosition, ::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}})@figureplotting.jl:72
  10. var"#hist#879"(::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Makie.hist), ::GridLayoutBase.GridPosition, ::Vararg{Any})@recipes.jl:34
  11. hist(::GridLayoutBase.GridPosition, ::Vararg{Any})@recipes.jl:33
  12. top-level scope@Local: 6

I am trying to plot 2 dataframeS, I imported them so“/media/alessandro/Storage/MA/comparing_GATK_and_bbtools/bbtools_allele_fraction.txt”, DataFrame; header = false)
rename!(df1,[:Column1] .=> [:AF])

Here it what they look like


roughly 2 million lines, datatype is Float64 which is correct.

hope this gives you all the info you asked for


I tried to copy your solution

using CairoMakie
f, ax1, h1=hist(df1[:, “AF”])
hist!(ax1, df2[:, “AF”] )
Combined{Makie.hist, Tuple{Vector{Float64}}}

but this returns

TypeError: non-boolean (Missing) used in boolean context

  1. pick_hist_edges(::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}, ::Int64)@hist.jl:146
  2. map#136@scenes.jl:185 [inlined]
  3. map(::typeof(Makie.pick_hist_edges), ::MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist, Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}}, ::Observables.Observable{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}, ::Observables.Observable{Any})@scenes.jl:182
  4. plot!(::MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist, Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}})@hist.jl:163
  5. plot!(::Makie.Scene, ::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist, Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}}}, ::MakieCore.Attributes, ::Tuple{Observables.Observable{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}}, ::Observables.Observable{Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}})@interfaces.jl:398
  6. var"plot!#192"(::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(MakieCore.plot!), ::Makie.Scene, ::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist}}, ::MakieCore.Attributes, ::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}})@interfaces.jl:310
  7. plot!@interfaces.jl:275 [inlined]
  8. var"plot!#1458"(::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(MakieCore.plot!), ::Makie.Axis, ::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist}}, ::MakieCore.Attributes, ::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}})@axis.jl:792
  9. plot!@axis.jl:779 [inlined]
  10. var"plot!#1459"(::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(MakieCore.plot!), ::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist}}, ::Makie.Axis, ::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}})@axis.jl:809
  11. plot!(::Type{MakieCore.Combined{Makie.hist}}, ::Makie.Axis, ::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}})@axis.jl:807
  12. var"#hist!#880"(::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Makie.hist!), ::Makie.Axis, ::Vararg{Any})@recipes.jl:38
  13. hist!(::Makie.Axis, ::Vararg{Any})@recipes.jl:37
  14. top-level scope@Local: 4

Am I right to suspect there might be an unexpected value in my dataframes?

Yes, you probably have missing values in df2[:, "AF"]:

julia> x = rand([missing; range(-1, 1, 100)], 10_000);

julia> f, ax1, h1 = hist(x); hist!(ax1, y); f
ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Missing) used in boolean context
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It’s probably the issue, any idea why the error says it’s a boolean problem? just out of curiosity

EDIT: your solution works like a charm now that I cleaned the input data. Though now I need to investigate why data are missing, but that’s not an issue with Julia

You’d have to check the source code to see what is happening, but missing propagates through comparisons like < or == so presumably at some point the histogram wants to check whether a number is below the bin edge value to determine whether to add it to the count for that bin and something like this happens:

julia> if missing < bin_edge
           current_bin += 1
ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Missing) used in boolean context

This could use a better error message higher up the stack. Could you please open an issue?

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