Let’s say that I have a type Foo
which is mutable and assume that the construction of an instance of Foo
is quite long. I also have a function set_state(foo::Foo, bar::Vector{Float64})
Here is a sequential example of what I want to achieve
function average_value(foo::Foo, n::Int)
total = 0
for k in 1:n
set_state(foo, rand(10))
total += compute_value(foo)
total / n
where compute_value initialize some internal variables to a given value, update them according to the randomly generated state and return the a function of those variables. This should work perfectly fine for sequential code since the variables are reset at each instance of the loop.
What happen if I use a parallel loop instead? That’s it, I run
function average_value(foo::Foo, n::Int)
@everywhere total = 0
@parallel for k in 1:n
set_state(foo, rand(10))
total += compute_value(foo)
total / n
Do I need to copy foo
to prevent it from being updated by multiple workers at the same time or is everything already taken care of by Julia?