Multithreading for nested loops

Note the documentation for @threads:

A barrier is placed at the end of the loop which waits for all tasks to finish execution.


ok, thank you! Therefore it is unnecessary!

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Note that, since @threads’ chunking is rather too simple-minded (i.e., it always uses linear indexing), it is very inefficient with multi-dimensional arrays. On the other hand, FLoops.jl efficiently supports various collections, including multi-dimensional arrays, via SplittablesBase.jl interface.

julia> function f!(ys, xs)
           @assert axes(ys) == axes(xs)
           Threads.@threads for i in CartesianIndices(xs)
               @inbounds ys[i] = xs[i]

julia> using FLoops

julia> function g!(ys, xs)
           @assert axes(ys) == axes(xs)
           @floop ThreadedEx() for i in CartesianIndices(xs)
               @inbounds ys[i] = xs[i]

julia> xs = randn(100, 100, 100, 100);

julia> @btime f!($(similar(xs)), $xs);
  231.146 ms (42 allocations: 3.70 KiB)

julia> @btime g!($(similar(xs)), $xs);
  33.356 ms (104 allocations: 8.67 KiB)

julia> Threads.nthreads()

Hello everyone,

I am relatively new to Julia (from a Fortran background). I have a similar problem trying to use multithreads in Julia for 3 nested loops. Improving performance of Integral equations (3-Nested loops) (Mathematical details in previous post)
I had help from leandromartinez98 who suggested that I use Static Arrays for the inner-most loops which improved the memory allocation problem.
I am also using @simd @inbounds for the inner_most_loop which improved the computation time slightly.
Then, I wanted to use multithreading where I got stuck. I have some questions that I will be grateful if you can help answering.

  1. Why does @simd @inbounds not improve performance for the the two outer loops. Is it because Julia has already vectorised them?
  2. I am not sure if using @inbounds everywhere in front of the matrix RM in the outer_middle_loops is necessary.
  3. Incorrectly using @threads I think my matrix (RM) whose elements are being summed is being accessed by different threads inconsistently. Every time I run the program I get a different answer. This is the same problem that happens in Fortran when variables are not properly categorised into shared, private or reduction variables.
    PS: I also trying using @FLoops but I think it only works for scalar reduction (I could be very wrong).

I think this is similar to the problem in the threaded_sum1 function in this tutorial Multithreading | JuliaAcademy Since, I am populating a matrix rather a scalar as in this tutorial, I am not entirely sure how to do this correctly.

Here is the correct output without multithreading:

julia> @btime filamentefficiency(21,10,[1, 0.01, -0.01, 0.001, - 0.001],0)
  184.797 μs (62 allocations: 38.02 KiB)

Here are two incorrect outputs from two different runs when using @threads:

julia> @btime filamentefficiency(21,10,[1, 0.01, -0.01, 0.001, - 0.001],0)
  112.016 μs (83 allocations: 40.05 KiB)
julia> @btime filamentefficiency(21,10,[1, 0.01, -0.01, 0.001, - 0.001],0)
  109.603 μs (83 allocations: 40.05 KiB)

Codes below :

using FastGaussQuadrature, Plots, LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools, TimerOutputs,
StaticArrays, .Threads

function sgf_3d_fs(x,y,z,x0,y0,z0)
    dx = x-x0
    dy = y-y0
    dz = z-z0
    dxx = dx^2
    dxy = dx*dy
    dxz = dx*dz
    dyy = dy^2
    dyz = dy*dz
    dzz = dz^2

    r  = sqrt(dxx+dyy+dzz);
    r3 = r*r*r
    ri  = 1.0/r
    ri3 = 1.0/r3

    g11 = ri  + dxx*ri3
    g12 = dxy*ri3
    g13 = dxz*ri3

    g21 = g12
    g22 = ri + dyy*ri3
    g23 = dyz*ri3

    g31 = g13
    g32 = g23
    g33 = ri + dzz*ri3

    GEk = @SMatrix [ g11 g12 g13
                     g21 g22 g23
                     g31 g32 g33 ]
    return GEk

function inner_loop(xc,yc,tcx,tcy,sc,x1,y1,x2,y2,s1,s2,xg,wg,ng)
    # x1,y1,x2,y2 are coordinates of element j with nodes at j and j+1
    # xc, yc are the coordinates of collocation point
    GE = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64}) #
    GEself = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64})
    d = 0.001 # regularisation parameter
     @inbounds @simd for k = 1:ng
        xi = xg[k]
        xint= 0.5*( (x2 + x1) + (x2 - x1)*xi)
        yint = 0.5*( (y2 + y1) + (y2 - y1)*xi)
        sint = 0.5*( (s2 + s1) + (s2 - s1)*xi)
        hl = 0.5*sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
       # Call Green's function for Stokes equation
        GEk = sgf_3d_fs(xint,yint,0,xc,yc,0) # two dimensional problem: z=0
        @inbounds GE += GEk*hl*wg[k]
        ds = abs(sc-sint)
        dss = sqrt(ds^2 + d^2)
        Gs11 = ((1.0 + tcx*tcx)/dss)*hl*wg[k]
        Gs12 = ((0.0 + tcx*tcy)/dss)*hl*wg[k]
        Gs21 = ((0.0 + tcy*tcx)/dss)*hl*wg[k]
        Gs22 = ((1.0 + tcy*tcy)/dss)*hl*wg[k]
        @inbounds  GEself += @SMatrix [ Gs11 Gs12 0
                              Gs21 Gs22 0
                              0    0    0 ]
    return GE, GEself

function outer_middle_loops(xm,ym,tmx,tmy,sm,vm,ls,s,c,x,y,xg,wg,ng,nx)
   # Initialize the matrix and right hand side
    RM = zeros(2*(nx-1) + 1,2*(nx-1) + 1)
    rhs = zeros(2*(nx-1) + 1,1)

    @threads for j = 1:nx-1   # using Threads
    #for j = 1:nx-1 # looping over columns first
        j1 = (j-1)*2 + 1
        j2 = (j-1)*2 + 2

        tcx = tmx[j]
        tcy = tmy[j]

        # Local operator terms( \Lambda [f_h] )
        @inbounds  RM[j1,j1] += -(1*(2-c) - tcx*tcx*(c+2))/8π
        @inbounds  RM[j1,j2] += -(0*(2-c) - tcx*tcy*(c+2))/8π
        @inbounds  RM[j2,j1] += -(0*(2-c) - tcy*tcx*(c+2))/8π
        @inbounds  RM[j2,j2] += -(1*(2-c) - tcy*tcy*(c+2))/8π

        @inbounds  rhs[j1] = 0
        @inbounds  rhs[j2] = vm[j]
        @inbounds  RM[2*(nx-1) + 1,j1] = ls[j]
        @inbounds  RM[j1,2*(nx-1) + 1] = 1

        for i = 1:nx-1
            i1 = (i-1)*2 + 1
            i2 = (i-1)*2 + 2
            xc = xm[i]
            yc = ym[i]
            tcx = tmx[i]
            tcy = tmy[i]
            sc = sm[i]
            # Single element k-Loop Integration using quadratures
            GE,GEself = inner_loop(xc,yc,tcx,tcy,sc,x[j],y[j],x[j+1],y[j+1],s[j],s[j+1],xg,wg,ng)

            # Non-local operator terms( K [f_h] )

            @inbounds  RM[i1,j1] += GE[1,1]/8π
            @inbounds  RM[i1,j2] += GE[1,2]/8π
            @inbounds  RM[i2,j1] += GE[2,1]/8π
            @inbounds  RM[i2,j2] += GE[2,2]/8π

            @inbounds  RM[i1,i1] += -GEself[1,1]/8π
            @inbounds  RM[i1,i2] += -GEself[1,2]/8π
            @inbounds  RM[i2,i1] += -GEself[2,1]/8π
            @inbounds  RM[i2,i2] += -GEself[2,2]/8π
    return RM, rhs

function filamentefficiency(nx,ng,A,t)
    # Empty grad vector
    # Specify the number of nodes
    # nx = 101
    # Note that the number of elements = nx-1
    # How many points needed for integration using Gauss Quadrature?
    # ng = 20
    # Specify the odd-numbered mo20
    # A = [1.0045792982170993, -0.009331896288504353, 0.011941839033552903, 0.004696343389728706, 0.015159353628757498, -0.0017903083000960515, -0.002894232919948337, -0.020512982818940012, 0.002637764690195105, -0.004037513173757581, -0.0018003802187872722, 3.678005969005036e-5, -0.0014290163838325764, 0.006142381043574873, -0.004210790695122118, 0.011885762061040916, -0.010245776149711871, -0.0023350247253041455, 0.9906425306905926, 0.0064477708652553225]
    # time
    # t = 0
    # Points and weights "using FastGaussQuadrature"
    xg, wg = gausslegendre(ng)
    # Generate a sin curve
    # x and y are nodes while x_m and y_m are mid points of an element
    x = LinRange(-π,π,nx)
    nm = 1:1:length(A)
    y = (sin.((x.-t).*(2nm'.-1)))*A #(Only odd numbered modes)
    # Mid-points (collocation points) and tangents at the mid points.
    xm = 0.5*(x[2:nx] .+ x[1:nx-1])
    ym = 0.5*(y[2:nx] .+ y[1:nx-1])
    ls = sqrt.((x[2:nx] .- x[1:nx-1]).^2 .+ (y[2:nx] .- y[1:nx-1]).^2) # length of each element
    tmx = (x[2:nx] .- x[1:nx-1])./ls
    tmy = (y[2:nx] .- y[1:nx-1])./ls
    sqrt.(tmx.^2 + tmy.^2)
    # Arc length of node points
    s = zeros(nx,1)
    for i = 1:nx-1
        s[i+1] = s[i] + ls[i]
    # Arc length of mid points
    sm = 0.5*(s[2:nx] .+ s[1:nx-1])
   # Filament velocity at mid points (forcing for the equations)
    vm = (-(2nm'.-1).*cos.((xm.-t).*(2nm'.-1)))*A
    ρ = 0.001
    c = 2*log(ρ/s[nx]) + 1
    RM, rhs = outer_middle_loops(xm,ym,tmx,tmy,sm,vm,ls,s,c,x,y,xg,wg,ng,nx)
    fh = RM\rhs
    Effc = - (fh[2*(nx-1)+1])^2/(sum(fh[2:2:2*(nx-1)].*ls.*vm))
    return Effc
    # println("The x-velocity is ", fh[2*(nx-1)+1])
     display(plot(x,y, aspect_ratio=:equal))
    #display(quiver!(xm,ym,quiver=(tmx,tmy), aspect_ratio=:equal))

Indeed, lines like RM[i1,i1] += -GEself[1,1]/8π indicate that your code have data races. We can’t expect a deterministic behavior.

FYI, there are a couple of examples in FLoops documentation for writing reduction of mutable objects without data races. See: In-place mutation and Initialization with @reduce(acc = op(init, x)) syntax. There’s also private variables support.

1 Like

Dear Takafumi,

Thank you for the help. I am trying to learn FLoops. I tried using it directly in my big code but failed. So I am trying to learn its usage through minimal examples. As you can see in my main code, there are multiple reductions happening on the elements of my main matrix RM. So, I tried to make a minimal code that mimics this. Why is Floop3 wrong? Perhaps, I don’t understand how the @reduce() do end syntax works.

using FLoops

n = 2

# Serial 1
ys01 = zeros(3)
ys02 = zeros(3)
for x in 1:n
         xs = [x, 2x, 3x]
         ys01 .+= xs
         ys02 .+= 2xs
println("Serial 1")
display([ys01 ys02])

# Floop 1
@floop for x in 1:n
          xs = [x, 2x, 3x]
          @reduce(ys1 .+= 1.0*xs)
          @reduce(ys2 .+= 2.0*xs)
println("Floop 1")
display([ys1 ys2])

# Serial 2
ys01 = zeros(3)
ys02 = zeros(3)
for x in 1:n
         xs = [x, 2x, 3x]
         xs1 = 2*[x, 2x, 3x]
         ys01 .+= xs
         ys02 .+= xs1
println("Serial 2")
display([ys01 ys02])

# Floop 3
@floop for x in 1:n
          xs = [x, 2x, 3x]
          xs1 = 2*[x, 2x, 3x]
          @reduce() do (ys3 = zeros(3); xs)
              ys3 .+= xs
          @reduce() do (ys4 = zeros(3); xs1)
              ys4 .+= xs1
println("Floop 2")
display([ys3 ys4])

# Serial 3
ys5 = zeros(3)
ys6 = zeros(3)
for x in 1:n
          xs = [x, 2x, 3x]
          xs1 = [x, 2x, 3x]
          ys5 .+= xs
          ys6 .+= 2*xs1
println("Serial 3")
display([ys5 ys6])

# Floop 3
@floop for x in 1:n
          xs = [x, 2x, 3x]
          xs1 = [x, 2x, 3x]
          @reduce() do (ys5 = zeros(3); xs), (ys6 = zeros(3); xs1)
              ys5 .+= xs
              ys6 .+= 2*xs1
println("Floop 3")
display([ys5 ys6])

The outputs are

Serial 1
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 3.0   6.0
 6.0  12.0
 9.0  18.0
Floop 1
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 3.0   6.0
 6.0  12.0
 9.0  18.0
Serial 2
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 3.0   6.0
 6.0  12.0
 9.0  18.0
Floop 2
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 3.0   6.0
 6.0  12.0
 9.0  18.0
Serial 3
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 3.0   6.0
 6.0  12.0
 9.0  18.0
Floop 3
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 3.0  10.0
 6.0  20.0
 9.0  30.0

This is a very good question! It produced unintended result because you do “too much” inside @reduce. A correct implementation is:

julia> @floop for x = 1:n
           xs = [x, 2x, 3x]
           xs1 = [x, 2x, 3x]
           zs = xs
           zs1 = 2 .* xs1
           @reduce() do (ys5 = zeros(3); zs), (ys6 = zeros(3); zs1)
               ys5 .+= zs
               ys6 .+= zs1
       [ys5 ys6]
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 3.0   6.0
 6.0  12.0
 9.0  18.0

Notice that 2 .* xs1 is outside @reduce. We need to pull out “per iteration” computation from @reduce in general. This is because @reduce is used for generating two pieces of code: (1) base case sequential code (i.e., the code you see when you strip off the lines @reduce() ... do and the corresponding end); (2) a function that merges results (ys5 and ys6 above) from two tasks to one result. In your FLoop 3 example, you were doubling ys6 from (say) Task 2 when merging it to the result ys6 of (say) Task 1. However, Task 2 has already doubled the elements before accumulating them to its ys6. This is why ys6 was larger than intended.

(A concise explanation: @reduce was not associative)


Hello Takafumi,

While I understand the toy models, I have been unable to modify my original code to do the reduction on the arrays GE, GEself, RM. Probably because I don’t understand the syntax completely well. I wish to use @floops for the j, i, and k loops in my code below. When I tried implement it like in the toy model, it gave me error saying j1 is not defined. Can you kindly point me in the right direction?

I will greatly appreciate any help.

using FastGaussQuadrature,
    Plots, LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools, TimerOutputs, StaticArrays, FLoops

function sgf_3d_fs(x, y, z, x0, y0, z0)
    dx = x - x0
    dy = y - y0
    dz = z - z0
    dxx = dx^2
    dxy = dx * dy
    dxz = dx * dz
    dyy = dy^2
    dyz = dy * dz
    dzz = dz^2

    r = sqrt(dxx + dyy + dzz)
    r3 = r * r * r
    ri = 1.0 / r
    ri3 = 1.0 / r3

    g11 = ri + dxx * ri3
    g12 = dxy * ri3
    g13 = dxz * ri3

    g21 = g12
    g22 = ri + dyy * ri3
    g23 = dyz * ri3

    g31 = g13
    g32 = g23
    g33 = ri + dzz * ri3

    GEk = @SMatrix [
        g11 g12 g13
        g21 g22 g23
        g31 g32 g33
    return GEk

function inner_loop(xc, yc, tcx, tcy, sc, x1, y1, x2, y2, s1, s2, xg, wg, ng)
    # x1,y1,x2,y2 are coordinates of element j with nodes at j and j+1
    # xc, yc are the coordinates of collocation point
    GE = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64})
    GEself = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64})
    d = 0.001 # regularisation parameter
    #@inbounds @simd for k = 1:ng
    @floop for k = 1:ng
        xi = xg[k]
        xint = 0.5 * ((x2 + x1) + (x2 - x1) * xi)
        yint = 0.5 * ((y2 + y1) + (y2 - y1) * xi)
        sint = 0.5 * ((s2 + s1) + (s2 - s1) * xi)
        hl = 0.5 * sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
        # Call Green's function for Stokes equation
        GEk = sgf_3d_fs(xint, yint, 0, xc, yc, 0) # two dimensional problem: z=0
        # REDUCE ME
        GE += GEk * hl * wg[k]
        ds = abs(sc - sint)
        dss = sqrt(ds^2 + d^2)
        Gs11 = ((1.0 + tcx * tcx) / dss) * hl * wg[k]
        Gs12 = ((0.0 + tcx * tcy) / dss) * hl * wg[k]
        Gs21 = ((0.0 + tcy * tcx) / dss) * hl * wg[k]
        Gs22 = ((1.0 + tcy * tcy) / dss) * hl * wg[k]
        # REDUCE ME
        GEself += @SMatrix [
            Gs11 Gs12 0
            Gs21 Gs22 0
            0 0 0
    return GE, GEself

function outer_middle_loops(
    # Initialize the matrix and right hand side
    RM = zeros(2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 2 * (nx - 1) + 1)
    rhs = zeros(2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 1)

    @floop for j = 1:nx-1 # looping over columns first
        j1 = (j - 1) * 2 + 1
        j2 = (j - 1) * 2 + 2

        tcx = tmx[j]
        tcy = tmy[j]

        # Local operator terms( \Lambda [f_h] )
        # REDUCE ME
        RM[j1, j1] += -(1 * (2 - c) - tcx * tcx * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RM[j1, j2] += -(0 * (2 - c) - tcx * tcy * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RM[j2, j1] += -(0 * (2 - c) - tcy * tcx * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RM[j2, j2] += -(1 * (2 - c) - tcy * tcy * (c + 2)) / 8π

        rhs[j1] = 0
        rhs[j2] = vm[j]
        RM[2*(nx-1)+1, j1] = ls[j]
        RM[j1, 2*(nx-1)+1] = 1

        @floop for i = 1:nx-1
            i1 = (i - 1) * 2 + 1
            i2 = (i - 1) * 2 + 2
            xc = xm[i]
            yc = ym[i]
            tcx = tmx[i]
            tcy = tmy[i]
            sc = sm[i]
            # Single element k-Loop Integration using quadratures
            GE, GEself = inner_loop(

            # Non-local operator terms( K [f_h] )
            # REDUCE ME
            RM[i1, j1] += GE[1, 1] / 8π
            RM[i1, j2] += GE[1, 2] / 8π
            RM[i2, j1] += GE[2, 1] / 8π
            RM[i2, j2] += GE[2, 2] / 8π

            RM[i1, i1] += -GEself[1, 1] / 8π
            RM[i1, i2] += -GEself[1, 2] / 8π
            RM[i2, i1] += -GEself[2, 1] / 8π
            RM[i2, i2] += -GEself[2, 2] / 8π
    return RM, rhs

function filamentefficiency(nx, ng, A, t)
    # Empty grad vector
    # Specify the number of nodes
    # nx = 101
    # Note that the number of elements = nx-1
    # How many points needed for integration using Gauss Quadrature?
    # ng = 20
    # Specify the odd-numbered mo20
    # A = [1.0045792982170993, -0.009331896288504353, 0.011941839033552903, 0.004696343389728706, 0.015159353628757498, -0.0017903083000960515, -0.002894232919948337, -0.020512982818940012, 0.002637764690195105, -0.004037513173757581, -0.0018003802187872722, 3.678005969005036e-5, -0.0014290163838325764, 0.006142381043574873, -0.004210790695122118, 0.011885762061040916, -0.010245776149711871, -0.0023350247253041455, 0.9906425306905926, 0.0064477708652553225]
    # time
    # t = 0
    # Points and weights "using FastGaussQuadrature"
    xg, wg = gausslegendre(ng)
    # Generate a sin curve
    # x and y are nodes while x_m and y_m are mid points of an element
    x = LinRange(-π, π, nx)
    nm = 1:1:length(A)
    y = (sin.((x .- t) .* (2nm' .- 1))) * A #(Only odd numbered modes)
    # Mid-points (collocation points) and tangents at the mid points.
    xm = 0.5 * (x[2:nx] .+ x[1:nx-1])
    ym = 0.5 * (y[2:nx] .+ y[1:nx-1])
    ls = sqrt.((x[2:nx] .- x[1:nx-1]) .^ 2 .+ (y[2:nx] .- y[1:nx-1]) .^ 2) # length of each element
    tmx = (x[2:nx] .- x[1:nx-1]) ./ ls
    tmy = (y[2:nx] .- y[1:nx-1]) ./ ls
    sqrt.(tmx .^ 2 + tmy .^ 2)
    # Arc length of node points
    s = zeros(nx, 1)
    for i = 1:nx-1
        s[i+1] = s[i] + ls[i]
    # Arc length of mid points
    sm = 0.5 * (s[2:nx] .+ s[1:nx-1])
    # Filament velocity at mid points (forcing for the equations)
    vm = (-(2nm' .- 1) .* cos.((xm .- t) .* (2nm' .- 1))) * A
    ρ = 0.001
    c = 2 * log(ρ / s[nx]) + 1
    RM, rhs = outer_middle_loops(

    fh = RM \ rhs
    Effc = -(fh[2*(nx-1)+1])^2 / (sum(fh[2:2:2*(nx-1)] .* ls .* vm))
    return Effc
    # println("The x-velocity is ", fh[2*(nx-1)+1])
    # display(plot(x,y, aspect_ratio=:equal))
    #display(quiver!(xm,ym,quiver=(tmx,tmy), aspect_ratio=:equal))

Are nx = 101 and ng = 20 the typical size? If so, I’m not sure if it is worth parallelize inner_loop and maybe the for i = 1:nx-1 loop. It’d be helpful to know typical problem size and the number of CPUs.

That said, inner_loop is easy to parallelize. You can just slap @reduce in front of GE += ... etc. To improve performance, you might want to configure the initial value explicitly as in

    # No need:
    # GE = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64})
    # GEself = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64})
    @floop for k = 1:ng
        @reduce GE = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64}) + GEk * hl * wg[k]
        @reduce GEself = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64}) + @SMatrix [
            Gs11 Gs12 0
            Gs21 Gs22 0
            0 0 0

The outer loops are very tricky. There might be a better way to do this, but I think the easiest approach is to use a separate matrix for each j iteration:

    @floop for j = 1:nx-1 # looping over columns first

        @init RMj = Matrix{Float64}(undef, (2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 2 * (nx - 1) + 1))
        RMj .= 0

        RMj[j1, j1] += -(1 * (2 - c) - tcx * tcx * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RMj[j1, j2] += -(0 * (2 - c) - tcx * tcy * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RMj[j2, j1] += -(0 * (2 - c) - tcy * tcx * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RMj[j2, j2] += -(1 * (2 - c) - tcy * tcy * (c + 2)) / 8π

        RMj[2*(nx-1)+1, j1] = ls[j]
        RMj[j1, 2*(nx-1)+1] = 1

        # Since there is no `@reduce` inside, you'd need to specify
        # `ThreadedEx()` to use threading
        @floop ThreadedEx() for i = 1:nx-1

            RMj[i1, j1] += GE[1, 1] / 8π
            RMj[i1, j2] += GE[1, 2] / 8π
            RMj[i2, j1] += GE[2, 1] / 8π
            RMj[i2, j2] += GE[2, 2] / 8π

            RMj[i1, i1] += -GEself[1, 1] / 8π
            RMj[i1, i2] += -GEself[1, 2] / 8π
            RMj[i2, i1] += -GEself[2, 1] / 8π
            RMj[i2, i2] += -GEself[2, 2] / 8π

        @reduce() do (RM = zeros(2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 2 * (nx - 1) + 1); RMj)
            RM .+= RMj

You can also shave off RM .+= RMj for each j iteration with

@init RMj = zeros(2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 2 * (nx - 1) + 1)
# no `RMj .= 0`

RMj′ = Some(RMj)
@reduce() do (RM = nothing; RMj′)
    if RMj′ isa Some
        RM = something(RMj′)
    elseif RM === nothing
        RM = RMj′
        RM .+= RMj′

(It’s a bit ugly so I probably should add a syntax for this in FLoops.jl)


@tkf thank you very much.

Number of cores on my desktop is 48.

Well, the size is determined by the physics. This is a small problem consisting of one filament in a fluid. In this problem, this filament will show kinks, so I would like to go up to nx=501.

(However, we can generalize this for many filaments interacting in a fluid. Think of many sedimenting spaghetti, in which case N_filaments may be 100 or so, in that case, nx = 100*501.)

ng = 20 here, but can be decreased to about 10.

I am getting a hasboxedvariableerror. Did it work for you ?

julia> include("filamentstokesserial.jl"); filamentefficiency(2^8,20,[1.00, -0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.015, -0.008],0)
ERROR: HasBoxedVariableError: Closure __##reducing_function#400 (defined in Main) has 3 boxed variables: RMj, tcy, tcx
HINT: Consider adding declarations such as `local RMj` at the narrowest possible scope required.
NOTE: This is very likely required for avoiding data races. If boxing the variables is intended, use `Ref{Any}(...)` instead.
  [1] verify_no_boxes(f::var"#__##reducing_function#400#56"{Int64, Int64, Int64, LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Int64})
    @ FLoops ~/.julia/packages/FLoops/yli1G/src/checkboxes.jl:5
  [2] macro expansion
    @ ~/.julia/packages/FLoops/yli1G/src/reduce.jl:630 [inlined]
  [3] macro expansion
    @ ~/Desktop/mydocuments/RESEARCH/juliacodes/gausslegendre/filamentstokesserial.jl:123 [inlined]
  [4] __
    @ ~/.julia/packages/FLoops/yli1G/src/reduce.jl:620 [inlined]
  [5] (::InitialValues.AdjoinIdentity{var"#__##reducing_function#408#53"{LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Float64, LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Int64, Int64, Matrix{Float64}}})(x::Tuple{FLoops._FLoopInit, FLoops._FLoopInit}, y::Int64)
    @ InitialValues ~/.julia/packages/InitialValues/EPz1F/src/InitialValues.jl:305
  [6] next
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/combinators.jl:261 [inlined]
  [7] next
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/core.jl:289 [inlined]
  [8] macro expansion
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/core.jl:181 [inlined]
  [9] _foldl_array
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/processes.jl:187 [inlined]
 [10] __foldl__
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/processes.jl:182 [inlined]
 [11] foldl_nocomplete
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/processes.jl:356 [inlined]
 [12] _reduce_basecase(rf::Transducers.BottomRF{Transducers.AdHocRF{var"#__##oninit_function#407#52", typeof(identity), InitialValues.AdjoinIdentity{var"#__##reducing_function#408#53"{LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Float64, LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Int64, Int64, Matrix{Float64}}}, typeof(identity), var"#__##combine_function#409#58"{Int64}}}, init::Transducers.InitOf{Transducers.DefaultInitOf}, reducible::Transducers.SizedReducible{UnitRange{Int64}, Int64})
    @ Transducers ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/threading_utils.jl:56
 [13] _reduce(ctx::Transducers.NoopDACContext, rf::Transducers.BottomRF{Transducers.AdHocRF{var"#__##oninit_function#407#52", typeof(identity), InitialValues.AdjoinIdentity{var"#__##reducing_function#408#53"{LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Float64, LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Int64, Int64, Matrix{Float64}}}, typeof(identity), var"#__##combine_function#409#58"{Int64}}}, init::Transducers.InitOf{Transducers.DefaultInitOf}, reducible::Transducers.SizedReducible{UnitRange{Int64}, Int64})
    @ Transducers ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/reduce.jl:170
 [14] _reduce(ctx::Transducers.NoopDACContext, rf::Transducers.BottomRF{Transducers.AdHocRF{var"#__##oninit_function#407#52", typeof(identity), InitialValues.AdjoinIdentity{var"#__##reducing_function#408#53"{LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Float64, LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Int64, Int64, Matrix{Float64}}}, typeof(identity), var"#__##combine_function#409#58"{Int64}}}, init::Transducers.InitOf{Transducers.DefaultInitOf}, reducible::Transducers.SizedReducible{UnitRange{Int64}, Int64})
    @ Transducers ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/reduce.jl:179
 [15] _transduce_assoc_nocomplete
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/reduce.jl:159 [inlined]
 [16] transduce_assoc(xform::Transducers.IdentityTransducer, step::Transducers.AdHocRF{var"#__##oninit_function#407#52", typeof(identity), var"#__##reducing_function#408#53"{LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Float64, LinRange{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Int64, Int64, Matrix{Float64}}, typeof(identity), var"#__##combine_function#409#58"{Int64}}, init::Transducers.InitOf{Transducers.DefaultInitOf}, coll0::UnitRange{Int64}; simd::Val{false}, basesize::Nothing, stoppable::Nothing, nestlevel::Nothing)
    @ Transducers ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/reduce.jl:128
 [17] transduce
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/executors.jl:50 [inlined]
 [18] transduce
    @ ~/.julia/packages/Transducers/oLdU1/src/executors.jl:62 [inlined]
 [19] _fold
    @ ~/.julia/packages/FLoops/yli1G/src/reduce.jl:653 [inlined]
 [20] _fold
    @ ~/.julia/packages/FLoops/yli1G/src/reduce.jl:651 [inlined]
 [21] macro expansion
    @ ~/.julia/packages/FLoops/yli1G/src/reduce.jl:631 [inlined]
 [22] outer_middle_loops(xm::LinRange{Float64}, ym::Vector{Float64}, tmx::Vector{Float64}, tmy::Vector{Float64}, sm::Vector{Float64}, vm::Vector{Float64}, ls::Vector{Float64}, s::Matrix{Float64}, c::Float64, x::LinRange{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64}, xg::Vector{Float64}, wg::Vector{Float64}, ng::Int64, nx::Int64)
    @ Main ~/Desktop/mydocuments/RESEARCH/juliacodes/gausslegendre/filamentstokesserial.jl:94
 [23] filamentefficiency(nx::Int64, ng::Int64, A::Vector{Float64}, t::Int64)
    @ Main ~/Desktop/mydocuments/RESEARCH/juliacodes/gausslegendre/filamentstokesserial.jl:214
 [24] top-level scope
    @ none:1

using FastGaussQuadrature,
    Plots, LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools, TimerOutputs, StaticArrays, FLoops

function sgf_3d_fs(x, y, z, x0, y0, z0)
    dx = x - x0
    dy = y - y0
    dz = z - z0
    dxx = dx^2
    dxy = dx * dy
    dxz = dx * dz
    dyy = dy^2
    dyz = dy * dz
    dzz = dz^2

    r = sqrt(dxx + dyy + dzz)
    r3 = r * r * r
    ri = 1.0 / r
    ri3 = 1.0 / r3

    g11 = ri + dxx * ri3
    g12 = dxy * ri3
    g13 = dxz * ri3

    g21 = g12
    g22 = ri + dyy * ri3
    g23 = dyz * ri3

    g31 = g13
    g32 = g23
    g33 = ri + dzz * ri3

    GEk = @SMatrix [
        g11 g12 g13
        g21 g22 g23
        g31 g32 g33
    return GEk

function inner_loop(xc, yc, tcx, tcy, sc, x1, y1, x2, y2, s1, s2, xg, wg, ng)
    # x1,y1,x2,y2 are coordinates of element j with nodes at j and j+1
    # xc, yc are the coordinates of collocation point
    #GE = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64})
    #GEself = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64})
    d = 0.001 # regularisation parameter
    #@inbounds @simd for k = 1:ng
    @floop for k = 1:ng
        xi = xg[k]
        xint = 0.5 * ((x2 + x1) + (x2 - x1) * xi)
        yint = 0.5 * ((y2 + y1) + (y2 - y1) * xi)
        sint = 0.5 * ((s2 + s1) + (s2 - s1) * xi)
        hl = 0.5 * sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
        # Call Green's function for Stokes equation
        GEk = sgf_3d_fs(xint, yint, 0, xc, yc, 0) # two dimensional problem: z=0
        # REDUCE ME
        @reduce GE = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64}) + GEk * hl * wg[k]
        ds = abs(sc - sint)
        dss = sqrt(ds^2 + d^2)
        Gs11 = ((1.0 + tcx * tcx) / dss) * hl * wg[k]
        Gs12 = ((0.0 + tcx * tcy) / dss) * hl * wg[k]
        Gs21 = ((0.0 + tcy * tcx) / dss) * hl * wg[k]
        Gs22 = ((1.0 + tcy * tcy) / dss) * hl * wg[k]
        # REDUCE ME
        @reduce GEself = zeros(SMatrix{3,3,Float64}) + @SMatrix [
            Gs11 Gs12 0
            Gs21 Gs22 0
            0 0 0
    return GE, GEself

function outer_middle_loops(
    # Initialize the matrix and right hand side
    #RM = zeros(2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 2 * (nx - 1) + 1)
    rhs = zeros(2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 1)

    @floop for j = 1:nx-1 # looping over columns first
        j1 = (j - 1) * 2 + 1
        j2 = (j - 1) * 2 + 2

        tcx = tmx[j]
        tcy = tmy[j]

        # Local operator terms( \Lambda [f_h] )
        # REDUCE ME
        @init RMj = Matrix{Float64}(undef, (2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 2 * (nx - 1) + 1))
        RMj .= 0

        #RM[j1, j1] += -(1 * (2 - c) - tcx * tcx * (c + 2)) / 8π
        #RM[j1, j2] += -(0 * (2 - c) - tcx * tcy * (c + 2)) / 8π
        #RM[j2, j1] += -(0 * (2 - c) - tcy * tcx * (c + 2)) / 8π
        #RM[j2, j2] += -(1 * (2 - c) - tcy * tcy * (c + 2)) / 8π
        #RM[2*(nx-1)+1, j1] = ls[j]
        #RM[j1, 2*(nx-1)+1] = 1

        RMj[j1, j1] += -(1 * (2 - c) - tcx * tcx * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RMj[j1, j2] += -(0 * (2 - c) - tcx * tcy * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RMj[j2, j1] += -(0 * (2 - c) - tcy * tcx * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RMj[j2, j2] += -(1 * (2 - c) - tcy * tcy * (c + 2)) / 8π
        RMj[2*(nx-1)+1, j1] = ls[j]
        RMj[j1, 2*(nx-1)+1] = 1

        rhs[j1] = 0
        rhs[j2] = vm[j]

        @floop ThreadedEx() for i = 1:nx-1
            i1 = (i - 1) * 2 + 1
            i2 = (i - 1) * 2 + 2
            xc = xm[i]
            yc = ym[i]
            tcx = tmx[i]
            tcy = tmy[i]
            sc = sm[i]
            # Single element k-Loop Integration using quadratures
            GE, GEself = inner_loop(

            # Non-local operator terms( K [f_h] )
            # REDUCE ME
            #RM[i1, j1] += GE[1, 1] / 8π
            #RM[i1, j2] += GE[1, 2] / 8π
            #RM[i2, j1] += GE[2, 1] / 8π
            #RM[i2, j2] += GE[2, 2] / 8π

            #RM[i1, i1] += -GEself[1, 1] / 8π
            #RM[i1, i2] += -GEself[1, 2] / 8π
            #RM[i2, i1] += -GEself[2, 1] / 8π
            #RM[i2, i2] += -GEself[2, 2] / 8π

            RMj[i1, j1] += GE[1, 1] / 8π
            RMj[i1, j2] += GE[1, 2] / 8π
            RMj[i2, j1] += GE[2, 1] / 8π
            RMj[i2, j2] += GE[2, 2] / 8π

            RMj[i1, i1] += -GEself[1, 1] / 8π
            RMj[i1, i2] += -GEself[1, 2] / 8π
            RMj[i2, i1] += -GEself[2, 1] / 8π
            RMj[i2, i2] += -GEself[2, 2] / 8π
        @reduce() do (RM = zeros(2 * (nx - 1) + 1, 2 * (nx - 1) + 1); RMj)
            RM .+= RMj
    return RM, rhs

function filamentefficiency(nx, ng, A, t)
    # Empty grad vector
    # Specify the number of nodes
    # nx = 101
    # Note that the number of elements = nx-1
    # How many points needed for integration using Gauss Quadrature?
    # ng = 20
    # Specify the odd-numbered mo20
    # A = [1.0045792982170993, -0.009331896288504353, 0.011941839033552903, 0.004696343389728706, 0.015159353628757498, -0.0017903083000960515, -0.002894232919948337, -0.020512982818940012, 0.002637764690195105, -0.004037513173757581, -0.0018003802187872722, 3.678005969005036e-5, -0.0014290163838325764, 0.006142381043574873, -0.004210790695122118, 0.011885762061040916, -0.010245776149711871, -0.0023350247253041455, 0.9906425306905926, 0.0064477708652553225]
    # time
    # t = 0
    # Points and weights "using FastGaussQuadrature"
    xg, wg = gausslegendre(ng)
    # Generate a sin curve
    # x and y are nodes while x_m and y_m are mid points of an element
    x = LinRange(-π, π, nx)
    nm = 1:1:length(A)
    y = (sin.((x .- t) .* (2nm' .- 1))) * A #(Only odd numbered modes)
    # Mid-points (collocation points) and tangents at the mid points.
    xm = 0.5 * (x[2:nx] .+ x[1:nx-1])
    ym = 0.5 * (y[2:nx] .+ y[1:nx-1])
    ls = sqrt.((x[2:nx] .- x[1:nx-1]) .^ 2 .+ (y[2:nx] .- y[1:nx-1]) .^ 2) # length of each element
    tmx = (x[2:nx] .- x[1:nx-1]) ./ ls
    tmy = (y[2:nx] .- y[1:nx-1]) ./ ls
    sqrt.(tmx .^ 2 + tmy .^ 2)
    # Arc length of node points
    s = zeros(nx, 1)
    for i = 1:nx-1
        s[i+1] = s[i] + ls[i]
    # Arc length of mid points
    sm = 0.5 * (s[2:nx] .+ s[1:nx-1])
    # Filament velocity at mid points (forcing for the equations)
    vm = (-(2nm' .- 1) .* cos.((xm .- t) .* (2nm' .- 1))) * A
    ρ = 0.001
    c = 2 * log(ρ / s[nx]) + 1
    RM, rhs = outer_middle_loops(

    fh = RM \ rhs
    Effc = -(fh[2*(nx-1)+1])^2 / (sum(fh[2:2:2*(nx-1)] .* ls .* vm))
    return Effc
    # println("The x-velocity is ", fh[2*(nx-1)+1])
    # display(plot(x,y, aspect_ratio=:equal))
    #display(quiver!(xm,ym,quiver=(tmx,tmy), aspect_ratio=:equal))

fwiw, Tullio appears to beat the competition handily, but the ranking of the remaining alternatives is different than yours:

Number of threads = 2
base line:
127.600 ms (2 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
explicit @inbound:
126.731 ms (2 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
@threads on the outer loop:
75.504 ms (14 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
@spawn on the outer loop:
125.014 ms (20 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
nested loop:
125.452 ms (2 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
@threads on the triple loops:
75.657 ms (40214 allocations: 62.88 MiB)
@spawn on the triple loops:
264.148 ms (728323 allocations: 99.82 MiB)
@spawn on the nested loops:
125.592 ms (20 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
31.222 ms (22 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
@tullio no fast math
30.692 ms (22 allocations: 61.04 MiB)

That’s quite interesting! How can you get 4x speed up with only 2 threads? On my current Ubuntu with Julia 1.6.1, the only one that is close to linear scaling is the @threads on the outer loop case. Since in your test results it is roughly 2x speed up, I guess you were using 2 threads. Can you share the Tullio expression you use for the test?

1 Like

This gives me 8X straight. The number of threads is 8 on my system. Tullio with LoopVectorization is at least 2X faster than @threads on the outer loop for me.

using Tullio, LoopVectorization

function nestedloops1(nx, ny, nz)
   state = ones(nx,ny,nz)
   @tullio state[i,j,k] *= sin(i*j*k)

nx = ny = nz = 200
@btime nestedloops1($nx, $ny, $nz)
  20.237 ms (102 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
1 Like

@henry2004y I used exactly the same code as @Seif_Shebl albeit that I forced the number of threads to be two and I also ran it while turning off fast math via the fastmath=false flag.

Benchmark with @btime and interpolate the input variables ($nx,…). Also, it is better to return the matrix from the function, or the compiler sometimes may realize that nothing needs to be done.

Also, these benchmarks are probably bounded to the access of memory. Putting something more expensive to be computed inside may be a better measure for an actual application (if the application operation is more expensive).


for nx=ny=nk=1000 I get with two threads:

Number of threads = 2
base line:
  24.104 s (2 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
explicit @inbound:
  23.428 s (2 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
@threads on the outer loop:
  12.612 s (14 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
@spawn on the outer loop:
  23.658 s (20 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
nested loop:
  24.129 s (2 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
@threads on the triple loops:
  12.667 s (1001014 allocations: 7.50 GiB)
@spawn on the triple loops:
  26.815 s (18022351 allocations: 8.39 GiB)
@spawn on the nested loops:
  23.626 s (20 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
  2.999 s (18 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
@tullio no fast math
  2.969 s (18 allocations: 7.45 GiB)

and with 32 threads:

Number of threads = 32
base line:
  23.963 s (2 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
explicit @inbound:
  23.522 s (2 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
@threads on the outer loop:
  2.142 s (168 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
@spawn on the outer loop:
  23.598 s (21 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
nested loop:
  23.986 s (2 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
@threads on the triple loops:
  2.138 s (1001169 allocations: 7.50 GiB)
@spawn on the triple loops:
  35.182 s (18448748 allocations: 8.40 GiB)
@spawn on the nested loops:
  23.706 s (21 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
  1.704 s (454 allocations: 7.45 GiB)
@tullio no fast math
  1.707 s (456 allocations: 7.45 GiB)

Thanks! In my first attempt with Tullio, I did not import LoopVectorization. In fact, if we use avx macro for this micro example, without any threading we can immediately get 4x speedup. However, that is not what I want to test initially (and probably not a fair comparison?). avx looks like the simd clause in OpenMP, if I interpret it correctly.

Now with 2 threads and no avx, using Tullio gives me 1.5x speed up compared with base case, but @threads on the outer loop is slightly faster than that:

Number of threads = 2
base line:
  158.373 ms (2 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
@threads on the outer loop:
  99.353 ms (14 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
@tullio on the nested loops:
  109.440 ms (18 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
@tullio avx on the nested loops:
  34.556 ms (17 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
1 Like

Yes, I see the same ratios as you do. Interestingly, avx/avxt seems so good for this micro example.

# base case (1.0X) : 159.463 ms (  2 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
# 2 threads (1.5X) : 102.046 ms ( 18 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
# 4 threads (2.4X) :  66.887 ms ( 46 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
# 8 threads (2.8X) :  56.180 ms (102 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
# avx       (4.0X) :  39.161 ms (  2 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
# tullio    (7.5X) :  21.349 ms (102 allocations: 61.04 MiB)
# avxt      (8.2X) :  19.382 ms (  2 allocations: 61.04 MiB)

I realize this is an old post, but it’s still one of the first results on Google for me and I have some questions on nested Threads.@spawn.

Re the above quote: The original blog post (Announcing composable multi-threaded parallelism in Julia) claims that “potentially millions” of tasks can be spawned and that’s okay. So why do you say it’s problem that too many tasks get spawned here?

More generally, any suggestions on how to make the nestedloops8 function more efficient?
I am writing something like this right now and could use some tips.