hey, After checking nvidia-smi command, only one GPU works on four when running this code. It seems that the processes are not distributed to the workers, Am I missing something?
using Plots
using Flux:params
using Flux
# spawn one worker per device
using Distributed, CUDA
@everywhere using CUDA
# assign devices
asyncmap((zip(workers(), devices()))) do (p, d)
remotecall_wait(p) do
@info "Worker $p uses $d"
# Define the model
m = Chain(
Dense(10, 5, σ ), # first layer with 10 inputs and 5 outputs, using the sigmoid function as the activation
Dense(5, 1), # second layer with 5 inputs and 1 output
identity # identity function as the activation for the output layer
) |> gpu
# Define a loss function and an optimizer
loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(m(x), y)
optimizer = ADAM()
# Generate some synthetic data
X = Array{Float64}(rand(10, 1000)) |> gpu
Y = Array{Float64}(rand(1, 1000)) |> gpu
data = [(X, Y)]
# Train the model
@time CUDA.allowscalar for i in 1:600
Flux.train!(loss, params(m), [(X, Y)], optimizer)
# Make predictions on the training data
predictions = m(X)
# Plot the predictions versus the true values
scatter(Y, predictions, xlabel="True values", ylabel="Predictions", primary = false)
From worker 3: [ Info: Worker 3 uses CuDevice(1)
From worker 4: [ Info: Worker 4 uses CuDevice(2)
From worker 2: [ Info: Worker 2 uses CuDevice(0)
From worker 5: [ Info: Worker 5 uses CuDevice(3)
6.436934 seconds (9.83 M allocations: 684.209 MiB, 3.08% gc time, 1.01% compilation time: 100% of which was recompilation)