Hello everyone,
Julia newbie here. My problem revolves around multiple dispatch. The following is a pseudo-code and might not adhere to the proper syntax.
module custom_module
export Residual
export geterror!
export solve
abstract type Residual end
function geterror!(res::T) where {T<: Residual}
println("In base function method")
function solve(res::T) where {T <: Residual}
using custom_module
mutable struct MutatedResidual <: Residual
function geterror!(res::MutatedResidual)
println("In mutated residual")
The expectation is that the function with MutatedResidual
argument is called. Instead the base method within the module is called. One option to solve this is to do geterrror!(res::T) where {T<:Residual} = geterrror!(res::MutatedResidual)
. However, if I have multiple mutations of Residual
with each having its own overloaded version of geterror!
then each assignment geterrror!(res::T) where {T<:Residual} = geterrror!(res::MutatedResidual)
will override the previous one. Basically, I want to be able to do multiple dispatch by exposing the functions outside the module to the module so that it calls the appropriate functions (as determined by the type of the argument).
If the details are unclear, I am happy to provide more details. Also, if I am violating community guidelines with the format/nature/content of the question, please do critique.