I just encountered weird behavior with multiple dispatch which I didn’t expect.
julia> abstract type AbstractType end
julia> struct ExampleType<:AbstractType end
julia> struct Concrete{AT<:AbstractType} end
julia> is_same(c1::Concrete, c2::Concrete) = false
is_same (generic function with 1 method)
julia> is_same(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T = true
is_same (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> c1 = Concrete{ExampleType}()
julia> c2 = Concrete{ExampleType}()
julia> is_same(c1,c2)
I expected it to call the method with T as they both have the parametric type ExampleType.
Was able to “fix” it by specifying T <: AbstractType but it seems weird that Concrete itself is the same as Concrete{<:AbstractType} and then is more specialized than {T}.
Would understand an “ambiguous” error but maybe someone can point to an example where a change in behavior would result in another unexpected outcome.
Main questions:
What behavior did you expect?
Is my understanding correct to why it returns false?
Is there a specific reason why my expected behavior would result in other problems?
I think that there are two things going on. First, note that these two are the same method:
julia> f(c1::Concrete, c2::Concrete) = false
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f(c1::Concrete{<:T}, c2::Concrete{<:T}) where T<:AbstractType = true
f (generic function with 1 method)
Meaning both arguments can be concrete, but different, types.
And the <: in Concrete{<:T} makes an important difference, because this is another method:
julia> f(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T<:AbstractType = true
f (generic function with 2 methods)
which is less specific, I think because of the type of variance of the type system (the thing that makes Vector{Int} <: Vector{Real} == false).
I have the impression that what you have there is a mix of these things. And I agree it is confusing.
Concrete is the same as Concrete{T} where {T <: AbstractType}, following the definition of Concrete, where the upper bound of the typevar is AbstractType
Concrete{T} where T is the same as Concrete{<: Any}, by definition.
Hence, the signature is_same(c1::Concrete, c2::Concrete) is more specific than is_same(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T, and the call dispatches to that.
This can be confirmed by looking at the method table of is_same, where the methods are displayed from more to less specific:
julia> methods(is_same)
# 2 methods for generic function "is_same":
[1] is_same(c1::Concrete, c2::Concrete) in Main at REPL[4]:1
[2] is_same(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T in Main at REPL[5]:1
Another way to put this is that if you change this definition:
is_same(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T = true
to this:
is_same(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where {T<:AbstractType} = true
then the example works the way you expect it to. The confusing thing, as @jakobnissen explained, is that even though Concrete requires T <: AbstractType, dispatch doesn’t know about that and considers the unbounded T in the signature to be broader than intuitively expected because you know that T <: AbstractType has to be true for any actual instance of Concrete but dispatch doesn’t know that.
The additional thing I find confusing here is that this above, specifically, does not seem to be true:
julia> is_same(c1::Concrete, c2::Concrete) = false
is_same (generic function with 1 method)
julia> is_same(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T<:AbstractType = true
is_same (generic function with 2 methods)
(two methods)
meaning Concrete is exactly identical to Concrete{<:T} where T<:AbstractType (with the <:).
Here it cannot make any difference, but if Concrete was a container where the field could be abstract, then that would be different.
julia> Concrete == (Concrete{T} where {T<:AbstractType})
julia> Concrete == (Concrete{T} where T)
julia> Concrete <: (Concrete{T} where T)
So the type system considers Concrete to be a strict subtype of Concrete{T} where T, which is weird and confusing because there can’t actually be any instances of Concrete{T} where T that aren’t Concrete.
Here’s what I find surprising about this behaviour that I’m surprised hasn’t been focused on more: f(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T is applicable to only a diagonal subset of types.
E.g. if we have N possible type parameters, then
f(c1::Concrete, c2::Concrete)
could have N^2 possible specializations, whereas
f(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T
only has N possible specializations because it requires that the parameters match. To me, this means that this method is strictly more specific and hence should be prioritized by dispatch.
If I understand correctly what others have said, the logical flaw with this argument is that, although f(c1::Concrete, c2::Concrete) could have N^2 possible specializations, f(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T could have M (not N) possible specializations because
so the comparison isn’t quite so straightforward based on the number of possible specializations. One could argue that an ambiguity error makes sense in this case, though.
Note also that when we have f(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T <: AbstractType then your argument does hold.
A number is of course more special than T, but the set of values valid for (::Number, ::Number) is not more specific than the set for (::T, ::T) where T. For example, the first is applicable to (1,2.0), while the latter isn’t.
So this is an exception to the rule (if there is such a rule) that the most specific applicable method is invoked.
Sure, I get why it’s happening this way, I just think that for the non-diagonal case it’s a non-issue. But for the diagonal case, I think this is really just bad behaviour because a strictly more specific method is being ignored in favour of a less specific method.
Ohh, I understand now. I had forgotted by the time I got to the bottom of the thread that concrete’s type parameter was defined to be a subtype of AbstractType. I thought that AbstractType was just an arbitrary choice here.
I find this less disturbing now, given that this behaves as I’d expect:
julia> struct Concrete{AT} end
julia> is_same(c1::Concrete, c2::Concrete) = false
is_same (generic function with 1 method)
julia> is_same(c1::Concrete{T}, c2::Concrete{T}) where T = true
is_same (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> is_same(Concrete{Int}(), Concrete{Int}())
I guess it’s just a bit of a footgun that one needs to know what the contraints are on the original type paramters before writing the diagonal method if they want it to take it’s proper place in the precedence list, but not so bad as I thought it was.