I’d like to customise how in works for a struct I’ve created as only some fields matter. I’d like it to work like this where here I just want to check the dogs breeds:
struct Dog
a = Dog("husky", "a")
b = Dog("husky", "b")
c = Dog("labrador", "c")
dogs = [b]
a in dogs # true
c in dogs # false
I think in uses Base.:== but I’m not sure how to extend this? Extending Base.isequal doesn’t have the correct affect.
How can I do this?
N.B. in the Python world this would the implementation of __eq__
where if you change the definition of equality you also need to change Base.hash so that hash tables (e.g. Set data structures) work. (By default, isequal calls ==.)
Alternatively, you define your own in-like function (e.g. the ∈ᵇ operator) to be whatever you want, while leaving equality as-is.
Thank you I was missing the parentheses around ==. I’ve chosen to extend == as this means I get the in functionality for free. Maybe I’ll come to regret this, but such is learning!