Multiple camera views on same scene in Makie

I’d like to have two views of the same scene / data in Makie. Below is code for the output that I want, but I would like to just have one call to scatter! (for example).

using Makie: Makie, Observable
using GLMakie: GLMakie
using GeometryBasics: HyperRectangle

fig = Makie.Figure()
ax1 = Makie.Axis(fig[1, 1])
ax2 = Makie.Axis(fig[1, 2])

for ax in [ax1, ax2]
    Makie.scatter!(ax, [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)]; markersize=100)

window_size = (0.5, 0.5)
window_center = Observable((0.0, 0.0))

function make_rect_loop(center, size)
    ms = [(1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
    [center .+ (m .* size) for m in ms]

function make_rect(center, size)
    origin = center .- (size ./ 2)
    HyperRectangle{length(origin)}(origin, size)

window_corners = Makie.lift(c -> make_rect_loop(c, window_size), window_center)
viewport = Makie.lift(c -> make_rect(c, window_size), window_center)

# TODO endcap of path is not correct (does not close)
Makie.lines!(ax1, window_corners, color=:black, linewidth=5)
Makie.on(viewport) do vp
    Makie.limits!(ax2, vp)


secs = 3
framerate = 15
Makie.record(fig, "eg.mp4", 1:(secs * framerate); framerate) do i
    s = i / framerate
    kv = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0)]
    kt = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
    # linear interpolation
    s_i = searchsortedfirst(kt, s)
    i1 = max(s_i - 1, firstindex(kv))
    i2 = min(s_i, lastindex(kv))
    Δ = kt[i2] - kt[i1][Processing: eg.mp4...]()

    p = ifelse(Δ == 0, 0.5, (s - kt[i1]) / Δ)
    v_s = kv[i1] .* (1 - p) .+ kv[i2] .* (p)
    window_center[] = v_s


I’d also like to know what call truly forces the Axes limits, so that the black rectangle corresponds to the viewport of the right plot.

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If we’re talking about truly force, then you have to set ax.finallimits[] = limits. That could have unforeseen consequences though if you care about linking axes or limit aspects.

I probably should consider going the other way around–drawing the rectangle based on finallimits.

The main point was to have two representations of the same underlying data. How possible is that with the current architecture?

I’m not sure, that’s a question for @sdanisch