Multi-threading with DataFrames

julia> using  DataFrames, Symbolics

julia> df_flows = DataFrame(;
           from = ["p1", "p1", "p2", "p2", "p1", "p2"],
           to = ["d", "d", "d", "d", "d", "d"],
           rp = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
           tb = [3,5,7,4,6,8],
           index = 1:6,
6×5 DataFrame
 Row │ from    to      rp     tb     index 
     │ String  String  Int64  Int64  Int64 
   1 │ p1      d           1      3      1
   2 │ p1      d           1      5      2
   3 │ p2      d           1      7      3
   4 │ p2      d           1      4      4
   5 │ p1      d           2      6      5
   6 │ p2      d           2      8      6

julia> @variables x y z
3-element Vector{Num}:

julia> w=x^2+y*sqrt(z*x)
x^2 + y*sqrt(x*z)

julia> transform(df_flows,[3,4,5]=>ByRow((r,t,i)->substitute(w, Dict(x=>r,y=>t,z=>i))))
6×6 DataFrame
 Row │ from    to      rp     tb     index  rp_tb_index_function   
     │ String  String  Int64  Int64  Int64  Num
   1 │ p1      d           1      3      1               4.0       
   2 │ p1      d           1      5      2               8.07107   
   3 │ p2      d           1      7      3              13.1244    
   4 │ p2      d           1      4      4               9.0       
   5 │ p1      d           2      6      5              22.9737    
   6 │ p2      d           2      8      6              31.7128    

julia> w=3x-2y
3x - 2y

julia> transform(df_flows,[3,4,5]=>ByRow((r,t,i)->substitute(w, Dict(x=>r,y=>t,z=>i))))
6×6 DataFrame
 Row │ from    to      rp     tb     index  rp_tb_index_function   
     │ String  String  Int64  Int64  Int64  Num
   1 │ p1      d           1      3      1                    -3   
   2 │ p1      d           1      5      2                    -7   
   3 │ p2      d           1      7      3                   -11   
   4 │ p2      d           1      4      4                    -5   
   5 │ p1      d           2      6      5                    -6   
   6 │ p2      d           2      8      6                   -10   

I saw several old posts that discussed the problem of deriving a function from a string. Apart from the solution with parse() and eval() I have seen the use of the getfield function applied to the current module to obtain the function from the string.
But this applies to functions already defined in the module.
An equivalent would be, in my opinion, a dict with strings as keys and functions as values.