MTK -- removing parameters from model?

My MTK implementation of a DAE for doing Monte Carlo study of parameter uncertainty doesn’t work. I think it has to do with how MTK removes parameters that do not show up explicitly in the model equations.

Here is some code:

using ModelingToolkit
using DifferentialEquations

@register_symbolic u_If(t)
@register_symbolic u_It(t)
@register_symbolic u_Twc(t)

# Give the inputs some constant values, e.g.,
u_If(t) = 800
u_It(t) = 5e3
u_TWc(t) = 4

# Parameters with defaults
@parameters (UA_r2δ=2.7, UA_s2Fe=20, UA_Fe2a=14.3, UA_x=44.4, Q̇_Fe_σ=212, Q̇_f_σ=422.4, 
    m_r=9260, m_s=6827,  m_Fe=71200, R_r=0.127e-3,  R_s=1.95e-6, ṁ_a=49.2, ṁ_w=54.2,
    ĉ_pCu=0.385,  ĉ_pFe=0.465,  ĉ_pa=1.15, ĉ_pw = 4.18, 
    N_St_a=UA_x/(ĉ_pa*ṁ_a), N_St_w=UA_x/(ĉ_pw*ṁ_w), N_St_Δ=N_St_w-N_St_a)

# Independent variable and differentiation operator
@variables t 
Dt = Differential(t)

# Dependent variables
@variables (T_r(t)=28, T_s(t)=28, T_Fe(t)=28, T_ac(t)=14, T_aδ(t)=14, T_ah(t)=22, I_f(t), I_t(t), T_wc(t))

# Input equations/input system
eqs_i = [I_f ~ u_If(t), I_t ~ u_It(t), T_wc ~ u_Twc(t)]
@named sys_i = ODESystem(eqs_i)

# Model equations/system
eqs_p = [Dt(T_r) ~ (1.1*R_r*I_f^2 - UA_r2δ*(T_r-T_aδ))/(m_r*ĉ_pCu),
            Dt(T_s) ~ (3*R_s*I_t^2 - UA_s2Fe*(T_s-T_Fe))/(m_s*ĉ_pCu),
            Dt(T_Fe) ~ (UA_s2Fe*(T_s-T_Fe) - UA_Fe2a*(T_Fe-T_ah) + Q̇_Fe_σ)/(m_Fe*ĉ_pFe),
            0 ~ ṁ_a*ĉ_pa*(T_ac-T_aδ) + UA_r2δ*(T_r-T_aδ) + Q̇_f_σ,
            0 ~ ṁ_a*ĉ_pa*(T_aδ-T_ah) + UA_Fe2a*(T_Fe-T_ah),
            0 ~ T_ac*(N_St_w-N_St_a*exp(-N_St_Δ)) - N_St_Δ*T_ah - N_St_a*(1-exp(-N_St_Δ))*T_wc]
@named sys_p = ODESystem(eqs_p)

# Total system
sys = extend(sys_i, sys_p)
sys_simp = structural_simplify(sys)

# Converting symbolic model to numeric model
tspan = (0, 600)
prob = ODEProblem(sys_simp, [], tspan)

The last statement crashes with error message:

ArgumentError: Any[UA_x / (ĉ_pw*ṁ_w), 0.017674089784376106UA_x, UA_x / (ĉ_pw*ṁ_w) - 0.017674089784376106UA_x] are either missing from the variable map or missing from the system's states/parameters list.

My suspicion is that MTK has removed parameters in the @parameters list that do not explicitly appear in the model. This includes UA_x, ĉ_pw, ṁ_w.


  1. Is my suspicion correct?
  2. If so, how do I get around this?
  3. I could of course remove the parameters UA_x, ĉ_pw, ṁ_w and instead just specify the two Stanton numbers N_St_a and N_St_w. Then I think the model would work. However, I want to study uncertainty in the heat transfer coefficient UA_x, which is a single parameter.

Hm… I partially got around the problem by defining the Stanton numbers as variables – this means that I compute N_St_a, etc. as time functions by adding the relationship between “parameters” (turned variables) N_St_a, N_St_w, and N_St_Δ and the real parameters:

# Dependent variables
@variables (T_r(t)=28, T_s(t)=28, T_Fe(t)=28, T_ac(t)=14, T_aδ(t)=14, T_ah(t)=22, I_f(t), I_t(t), T_wc(t),
            N_St_a(t) = UA_x/(ĉ_pa*ṁ_a), N_St_w(t) = UA_x/(ĉ_pw*ṁ_w), N_St_Δ(t) = UA_x/(ĉ_pw*ṁ_w)-UA_x/(ĉ_pa*ṁ_a))
eqs_p = [Dt(T_r) ~ (1.1*R_r*I_f^2 - UA_r2δ*(T_r-T_aδ))/(m_r*ĉ_pCu),
            Dt(T_s) ~ (3*R_s*I_t^2 - UA_s2Fe*(T_s-T_Fe))/(m_s*ĉ_pCu),
            Dt(T_Fe) ~ (UA_s2Fe*(T_s-T_Fe) - UA_Fe2a*(T_Fe-T_ah) + Q̇_Fe_σ)/(m_Fe*ĉ_pFe),
            0 ~ ṁ_a*ĉ_pa*(T_ac-T_aδ) + UA_r2δ*(T_r-T_aδ) + Q̇_f_σ,
            0 ~ ṁ_a*ĉ_pa*(T_aδ-T_ah) + UA_Fe2a*(T_Fe-T_ah),
            0 ~ T_ac*(N_St_w-N_St_a*exp(-N_St_Δ)) - N_St_Δ*T_ah - N_St_a*(1-exp(-N_St_Δ))*T_wc,
            0 ~ N_St_a - UA_x/(ĉ_pa*ṁ_a),
            0 ~ N_St_w - UA_x/(ĉ_pw*ṁ_w),
            0 ~ N_St_Δ - (N_St_w - N_St_a)]
@named sys_p = ODESystem(eqs_p)

Still some weird behavior, though. Observing that the 3 algebraic relationships give linear equations for the temperatures T_ac, T_aδ, and T_ah, I use Symbolics to solve the 3 algebraic equations for these temperatures:

eqs_alg = [0 ~ ṁ_a*ĉ_pa*(T_ac-T_aδ) + UA_r2δ*(T_r-T_aδ) + Q̇_f_σ,
    0 ~ ṁ_a*ĉ_pa*(T_aδ-T_ah) + UA_Fe2a*(T_Fe-T_ah),
    0 ~ T_ac*(N_St_w-N_St_a*exp(-N_St_Δ)) - N_St_Δ*T_ah - N_St_a*(1-exp(-N_St_Δ))*T_wc]
# ...
sol_alg = simplify.(Symbolics.solve_for(eqs_alg, [T_ac, T_aδ, T_ah]))
# ...
eqs_ode_p = [Dt(T_r) ~ (1.1*R_r*I_f^2 - UA_r2δ*(T_r-T_aδ))/(m_r*ĉ_pCu),
            Dt(T_s) ~ (3*R_s*I_t^2 - UA_s2Fe*(T_s-T_Fe))/(m_s*ĉ_pCu),
            Dt(T_Fe) ~ (UA_s2Fe*(T_s-T_Fe) - UA_Fe2a*(T_Fe-T_ah) + Q̇_Fe_σ)/(m_Fe*ĉ_pFe),
            T_ac ~ sol_alg[1],
            T_aδ ~ sol_alg[2],
            T_ah ~ sol_alg[3],
            N_St_a ~ UA_x/(ĉ_pa*ṁ_a),
            N_St_w ~ UA_x/(ĉ_pw*ṁ_w),
            N_St_Δ ~ N_St_w - N_St_a]
@named sys_ode_p = ODESystem(eqs_ode_p)

sys_ode = extend(sys_i, sys_ode_p)
sys_ode_simp = structural_simplify(sys_ode)

Again, I can solve both sys_simp and sys_ode_simp without getting error messages.

One strange observation and one really weird result:

  1. Solving sys_ode_simp (which does not have a mass matrix) gives identical solutions as to solving sys_simp. HOWEVER, sys_ode_simp is some 20% slower to solve than the version with mass matrix, and allocates some 40% more memory. That is somewhat surprising.

  2. The really, really weird results:

  • When I solve sys_simp, N_St_a, N_St_w, and N_St_Δ appear when I do observed(sys_simp), and I can plot the results for all three – they are obviously constants.
  • When I solve sys_ode_simp, N_St_a, N_St_w, and N_St_Δ appear when I do observed(sys_simp). I can plot N_St_a and N_St_w,

but I get an error message when I try to plot N_St_Δ:

In fact, I cannot plot any variable below N_St_a in the observed(sys_ode_simp) list…

Anyway, my postings have gotten somewhat convoluted… Perhaps I should move the discussion to another forum (Issues) and provide the experts with my complete code.

My reason for raising the question here was in case some of you users would have tricks to share.