Moving from a standalone script to a package for local use

I am happy to hear that others have a similar experience like I do.

In general I am afraid that Julia is suffering from similar problems. The reason is just that typically packages are developed by people (like you and me) who leave there projects for various reasons.
There was a great discussion about the future:

But, on the other hand, Julia has the advantage, that Julia packages are written in Julia (mostly). Not like R, where mostly every package is C (some python). If this sound exaggerating than I admit, but nearly every package you have problems with is C. So in Julia world if you have problems you can solve them more or less with Julia. Sometimes I am still concerned, because I see code in Julia, which is so advanced, that I have quite some problems to understand it, where we are somehow back in the two language problem. The two languages are now Julia + Advanced Julia.

Anyways, Julia is so much better. Do not hesitate and take the next step using modules :slight_smile: