I have the following code:
using Gtk.ShortNames, GtkObservables
# define the default values
OPTION_A = false
OPTION_B = false
finished = false
cb1 = checkbox(OPTION_A, label="Option A")
cb2 = checkbox(OPTION_B, label="Option B")
btnOK = button(label="OK")
win = Window("Dialog", 200, 72) |> (bx = Box(:v))
push!(bx, cb1)
push!(bx, cb2)
push!(bx, btnOK)
function on_button_clicked(win)
global OPTION_A, OPTION_B, finished, win
OPTION_A = observable(cb1)[]
OPTION_B = observable(cb2)[]
finished = true
signal_connect(on_button_clicked, widget(btnOK), "clicked")
G_.keep_above(win, true)
# G_.window_move(win, 100, 100)
while ! finished
println("Option A: $OPTION_A")
println("Option B: $OPTION_B")
The dialog always shows up when I run the script, which is fine.
But it sticks to the top of the screen. How can I move the window to a different position?
This function should do the trick: Gtk.Window.move
But I could not find it, neither in the Gtk. namespace nor in the G_. namespace.
Any idea how to move the window?