Most efficient way of computing B'* inv(A)* B for A large

Is this model reduction?

For the sake of completeness, B’*inv(A)*B does better than I’d thought: 0.45 seconds on second run.

Can tullio incorporate symmetry?

@PetrKryslUCSD I’m using it for some optimization problem in many variables. I can simplify this by writing it as a nested problem with the inner nest a bunch of high-dimensional problems. The Hessian of the outer problem then becomes the sum over terms of the form C-B’A^{-1}B, where the A’s are the Hessians of the inner problem.

Good question; I don’t know. Doesn’t look like it.

It looks like you may be trying to solve a system with

\begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ B^T & -C \end{bmatrix}.

If C is also positive definite, you can factorize the above matrix directly while taking advantage of its structure using


Not quite. But yes, partitioned inverses are related.

If you’re looking for the inplace version of backsolve it’s ldiv!().
More generally, the syntax to write into a matrix D is D .= ....


Ha, I knew about ldiv, but thought .= was only for assigning scalars, thanks!

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Tried another run between some major contenders with B 3_000 by 10. The difference between the first four contenders is small. I’m surprised at the gain of using MKL (my computer has an AMD processor).

function one()
D.= cholesky(A).U \ B
@tullio C[i,j] = D[k,i] * D[k,j]

function two()
ldiv!(D, cholesky(A).U, B)
@tullio C[i,j] = D[k,i] * D[k,j]

function three()
D .= cholesky(A).U \ B
C .= D’ * D

function four()
ldiv!(D, cholesky(A).U, B)
C .= D’ * D

function five()
C.= B’ * inv(cholesky(A)) * B

with openblas:

61.508 ms (40 allocations: 68.89 MiB)
61.744 ms (36 allocations: 68.67 MiB)
61.966 ms (15 allocations: 68.89 MiB)
61.603 ms (11 allocations: 68.67 MiB)
142.128 ms (15 allocations: 137.56 MiB)

with mkl:

34.641 ms (40 allocations: 68.89 MiB)
34.490 ms (36 allocations: 68.67 MiB)
34.084 ms (15 allocations: 68.89 MiB)
33.951 ms (11 allocations: 68.67 MiB)
129.186 ms (15 allocations: 137.56 MiB)

What if you do the loops by hand with LoopVectorization, taking into account the symmetry. Can you halve the fastest time?