Monte Carlo ray tracing flow chart algorithm pseudocode: A @goto-implementation and a recursion based implementation, any ideas for a more modern implementation?

Hi Julia-people :slight_smile:

I am working with heat transfer, more specifically simulating thermal radiation heat transfer in participating media through Monte Carlo ray tracing. I am currently working with a 2D algorithm. The reason I am looking for inspiration and inputs is that I would like to port my code to be GPU code, and before I do that I wanted to ensure that my approach is optimal. I designed the following flow chart algorithm which should be general enough to work for both 1D, 2D and 3D.

By now I have designed two code implementations of it. The code is quite involved, so I will post only pseudo code here.

My first and original take on the code was a massive use of the @goto macro. I got this implementation to be very fast, ray tracing about 1 billion rays in five minutes on 16 threads in parallel. The code has been validated against analytical results. The pseudo code is as follows:

@label emitRay
emit ray() # emit ray
enclosure = whichEnclosure() # find out which enclosure we're in
walls = localWalls() # find the local walls
dist = distToSurface() # find the distance to the wall along direction
@label doesRayHitWall # label for use with @goto
if S < dist # if the distance to the wall is larger than the sampled distance
   @scatter_or_absorb # then the ray is scattered or absorbed
   point = updatePoint() # update the current point
   if R_omega > omega # if a random number is larger than the scattering albedo
      # then the ray is absorbed
      enclosure = whichEnclosure()
      absorb(enclosure) += 1
      @goto emitRay
   else # ray is scattered
      scattering = sampledirection() # sample scattering direction
   enclosure = whichEnclosure() # find out which enclosure we're in
   walls = localWalls() # find the local walls
   dist, wall_index = distToSurface() # find the distance to the wall along direction
   if dist > S
      @goto scatter_or_absorb # ray is scattered or absorbed
       @goto rayHitsWall # go to label
   @label rayHitsWall # ray hits a wall
   solidwalls = solidwalls()
   if wall_index == solidwalls # ray hits a solid wall
      if R_alpha > alphaWall # then the ray is reflected by the wall
         newDirection = sampleDirection()
      else # the ray is absorbed by the wall
         absorb(wall) += 1
      @goto emitRay
   else # ray hits an imaginary boundary
      point = updatePoint()
      enclosure = whichEnclosure()
      walls = localWalls()
      dist, index = distToSurface()
      @goto doesRayHitWall

Even though I got the above implementation to execute very efficiently I recently learned that using @goto statements can be confusing and is an ‘oldschool’ way of coding. Therefore I also implemented the same flow chart in a recursion type code as described below:

function rayHitWall()
   enclosure = whichEnclosure()
   walls = localWalls()
   dist, index = distToSurface()
   if dist < S # if the remaining distance is shorted than the distance to the wall
      solidwalls = solidWalls()
      while index != solidwall && dist < S
         point = updatePoint()
         enclosure = whichEnclosure()
         walls = localWalls()
         dist, index = distToSurface()
         solidwalls = solidWalls()
      if dist > S # ray is absorbed or scattered
         if R_omega > omega # ray is absorbed
            enclosure = enclosure()
            absorb(enclosure) += 1
         else # ray is scattered
            newdirection = sampleDirection()
            rayHitWall() # call the function itself recursively
      elseif R_alpha < alpha # ray is absorbed by the wall
         enclosure = enclosure()
         walls = localWalls()
         dist, index = distToSurface()
         solidwalls = solidWalls()
         absorb(enclosure) += 1
      else # ray is reflected
         newdirection = sampleDirection()
         rayHitWall() # call the function itself recursively
      if R_omega > omega # ray is absorbed
         enclosure = enclosure()
         absorb(enclosure) += 1
      else # ray is scattered
         newdirection = sampleDirection()
         rayHitWall() # call the function itself recursively
for i = 1:N_rays
   emission = sampleEmission()

The above recursive code also works, however, it is significantly slower than the implementation based on @goto statements. Furthermore, there is a risk of getting ‘stackoverflow’ with this code.

But I was curious if someone else could come up with a more modern approach to implement the flowchart in (pseudo)code which would also be efficient, and possibly also applicable to GPU programming?

Any help would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

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I can’t help with code, but there have been a few other ray tracing codes presented here. This thread has a long discussion, and if you check out the links right after the original post, there are other threads to follow. Maybe one of those will give you some new ideas.

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This looks fairly similar to graphics ray tracing, my code in Julia and c++ for GPU implementation is here GitHub - Zentrik/Renderer at GPU-WaveFront. It uses a technique called wavefront rendering which is more suitable for the GPU,

Though I would suggest finding a existing approach even if it’s in another language and using that.

EDIT: My Julia GPU code has a simpler version here, Renderer/src/simple.jl at GPU-WaveFront · Zentrik/Renderer · GitHub. This should have the same performance as the other file but is simpler to understand.

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Thanks a lot for both your comments! :slight_smile: